Anonymous ID: 09a83c May 30, 2019, 9:24 a.m. No.6627813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7831 >>7851

Question: Last night in an interview on Hannity, John Solomon called Chris Steele "Hillary's hitman".

Did he slip up? Or is it just "hitman", in a political sense?

Because there are a lot of dead bodies behind HRC, notably Vince Foster.

Anonymous ID: 09a83c May 30, 2019, 9:29 a.m. No.6627849   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7922 >>7980 >>8362 >>8524

Did Brits warn about Steele's credibility, before Mueller's probe? Congress has evidence


One of the deepest, darkest secrets of Russiagate soon may be unmasked. Even President Trump may be surprised.


Multiple witnesses have told Congress that, a week before Trump’s inauguration in January 2017, Britain’s top national security official sent a private communique to the incoming administration, addressing his country’s participation in the counterintelligence probe into the now-debunked Trump-Russia election collusion.


Most significantly, then-British national security adviser Sir Mark Lyall Grant claimed in the memo, hand-delivered to incoming U.S. national security adviser Mike Flynn’s team, that the British government lacked confidence in the credibility of former MI6 spy Christopher Steele’s Russia collusion evidence, according to congressional investigators who interviewed witnesses familiar with the memo.


Sir Grant, pictured with MAYday MAYday MAYday, his boss

Anonymous ID: 09a83c May 30, 2019, 9:34 a.m. No.6627887   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Devil has a terrible retirement plan. You might want to check that out before going any further on your dark path to eternal black flame.

Just sayin'

Anonymous ID: 09a83c May 30, 2019, 9:48 a.m. No.6628003   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Oh, wow. There's a blast from the past.


Clinton Crazy


They may just kill me, he said. You'll read one day that I got drunk and ran into a moving bridge. Or Larry Nichols got depressed over everything and blew his head off.


'I didn't take on a President, Nichols said as he got up to let the dog out. I started fighting a two-bit tinhorn politician in Arkansas. When the dog hesitated, Nichols shook his head and said, Even my dogs don't believe me.''


We set off into town. Nichols, a former jingle writer, slipped in a tape of himself playing in a soft-rock band, and he said his wife and daughter urge him to drop his obsession with the President. 'Leave this alone, get a regular job, leave Clinton alone. They're just going to kill you. They'll try to put you in jail,' he said they told him. I'm telling you, smart says do that but I can't.


We passed the yellow-stone Faulkner County Courthouse.


I've been in that jail right there —-.


When? I said.


Which time? They trumped up a deal that I had failed to yield at a yield sign. Then I got beat up by two guys furloughed from prison on a weekend pass. I broke one of them's finger with a tire tool. I said, Who sent you? Clinton.''


Susan McDougal, the former Friend of Bill's, was then being held in the jail for failing to testify before the Whitewater grand jury.