Anonymous ID: 8b4a71 May 30, 2019, 9:31 a.m. No.6627862   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7870


I believe ANYONE wanting a "do over" (repentance and new life through Jesus Christ) can get one. Faith is a gift from God so no one gets it by intrinsic (limited to their flesh) worth. "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God."

Anonymous ID: 8b4a71 May 30, 2019, 9:53 a.m. No.6628037   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I'm responding to a conversation I had with a baker here about making sure "sauce" is good, now that this board seems to be much more "real news" than MSM.


I have never done anything with block chain/cryptocurrency and truthfully, I'm not sure its a good idea, anyway.


I've wanted to maintain my privacy mainly because I don't like the thought of being manipulated by an AI or "Beast" system. That might include ditching the Internet entirely. However, when ordinary people share information over the internet it seems like some good can come of it. It's been helpful to me to get real information about vaccines, in particular, by talking to other parents, seeing "forbidden" content such as interviews with parents whose children have been injured or to follow cutting edge (honest) medical journalists such as Del Bigtree and Jefferey Jaxen.


I don't like having my ability to get employed trashed, as it was on LinkedIn because I shared hard hitting information critical of the FDA, for example.


Some time ago I came across Trive (not to be confused with the financial services company that turns up on Go ogle). There are aspects of the concept I like (privacy, people corroborating news stories, reward for truthful presentation of "news") but I don't like anything "corporate" as this seem it might be.


I reviewed their white paper and the concept seems a little complicated and I didn't know what to make of their "support" of CNN. I cannot tell if anything is really going on with them right now, as their blog posts seem to have trailed off. However, the concept has some interesting aspects, I think.

Anonymous ID: 8b4a71 May 30, 2019, 10:08 a.m. No.6628171   🗄️.is 🔗kun




This is so right on (pun noted) that it should be memorialized.


As a Christian, I know that those who live by the sword die by the sword. I did not want to see violence here, though there were a few things that would have made me consider armed action. Most particularly Thomas Friedan's CDC setting up vaccination "pods" around the country.


You cannot look a the on the ground indicators and not see that change is inevitable. That it be accomplished with minimal violence, disruption and hatred is all to the good.


God wins.