Anonymous ID: b62c7f May 30, 2019, 10:38 a.m. No.6628436   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What was up with the old BO yesterday?

Do the old-timers have a new place to play?

An invitation only place?

I do like the dedicated notables link, thank you for making it.

I think about a post Q once made, “where are the autists”.

Remember that?

I think the question still stands, more than ever.

Usually things evolve or die.

Is research evolving? What will the future hold for Qresearch when the 2020 election ramps up in earnest?

Curious things have been going on here for sure.

Me, I’m with Trump 100%

It’s been quite the ride (movie) so far.

Waiting and wondering.