Anonymous ID: c00ab4 May 30, 2019, 9:49 a.m. No.6628013   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This was a cathartic read. From a year ago today, but not much has changed.


Dear Ex-Friends in #TheResistance

By Julie Kelly| May 30th, 2018


…As the whole charade you have been suckered into over the last 18 months starts to fall apart—that Trump would not survive his presidency; he would be betrayed by his own staff, family, and/or political party; he would destroy the Republican Party; he would be declared mentally ill and removed from office; he would be handcuffed and dragged out of the White House by Robert Mueller for “colluding” with Russia—let me remind you what complete fools you have made of yourselves. Not to mention how you’ve been fooled by the media, the Democratic Party, and your new heroes on the NeverTrump Right….


… Remember how you fanboyed a mediocre quarterback for wearing socks that depicted cops as pigs?


But now you sound like paid spokesmen for the Fraternal Order of Police. You insist that any legitimate criticism of the misconduct and possibile criminality that occured at the Justice Department and FBI is an “attack on law enforcement.” While you once opposed the Patriot Act because it might have allowed the federal government to spy on terrorists who were using the local library to learn how to make suitcase bombs, you now fully support the unchecked power of a secret court to look into the phone calls, text messages and emails of an American citizen because he volunteered for the Trump campaign for a few months.


Spying on terrorists, circa 2002: Bad. Spying on Carter Page, circa 2017: The highest form of patriotism….