Anonymous ID: f41447 May 30, 2019, 9:52 a.m. No.6628029   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8045

THE IMPATIENCE IS PALPABLE…. anons and DECLASSIFICATION… Trump actually ordered declass back in October 2018, but it has to go though a vetting process to insure sources and methods are not compromised or that laws aren't broken… Yes, Dan Coats at the DNI and other intelligence community bureaucrats have been dragging their feet, but with the order given last week that AG Barr now is in charge of all declassification and that all the agencies must cooperate, this should speed up the process.

HOWEVER, all of that material is destined to go to Congressional committees that have requested the docs as far back as October 2017, and those committees/members will release the docs to the public in a drawn out process.

THEN THE CIRCUS STARTS. Criminal referrals from the Congressional committees lead to investigations, that lead to grand juries that lead to indictments that lead to arrests that lead to trials that end in convictions and imprisonments. MEANWHILE, the MSM fake news and the Democrats will attack every step of the process, because their people are going to be exposed and imprisoned. IN ADDITION the Democrats will move to impeach Donald Trump to deflect attention in the news cycle from the declassified docs, criminal referrals, investigations, grand juries and so on.

UNDERSTAND that the globalist cabal is simply the latest iteration of a cabal of the rich and powerful that has been operating for 6000 years. It is not going to go quietly and it is going to take years to destroy it. My timeline estimate is that it will take at least to the end of Donald Trump's second term. REMEMBER, Q has said that nothing can stop this, nothing. Also, I have heard Ramtha say that for the first time in recorded history all of the corruption will be exposed and destroyed, so everyone can see it and never allow themselves be be enslaved again. WWG1WGA