Anonymous ID: 024bce May 30, 2019, 10:57 a.m. No.6628600   🗄️.is 🔗kun

that meddlesome Fee Bee Eye

"Robert Bowers' lawyers say in court documents that at least one witness contacted the defense, but abruptly canceled a meeting after the FBI discouraged it. The defense says other witnesses have gotten the same message from the FBI. … Authorities say Bowers killed 11 people and wounded seven at Tree of Life synagogue last October. It was the deadliest attack on Jews in U.S. history. He's pleaded not guilty."

Anonymous ID: 024bce May 30, 2019, 11:05 a.m. No.6628680   🗄️.is 🔗kun

speaking of midway points:

Anonymous ID: 024bce May 30, 2019, 11:19 a.m. No.6628806   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9139

full gupta copy and pasted



A far Eastern tea part) A #ilipino @erlusconi A childish $ambini A fella just tr)ing to make some @ambini<ligarch)Santa %laus was tripping balls#ight or flight the Easter bunn),s heart sualls And then his training kicks inSweep the leg/ ?obra ?ai dojos reigning ?ing likes to winwiHras/ Cira/ Bair/ Cir Cirtue et non 'iLi'ing Dangerousl)Last sleigh b) the sea in ?oh Phi Phihe biggest #uck ou e'er recorded in histor)Stronger b) the da)urning the freaking frogs ga)Coldemort,s storm5troopers back in pla)@ill $ates ten million dollar 'aluation A philanthrocapitalist salutation A ps)chometric e'aluationPri'ac) ights de'aluationPawing impatientl) at a comfort lad),s garter stitchProbing (ranus with m) toggle switch*he 9ell)fish stings were making Aniston itchSo )eah & pissed on the little bitch&gnition switch" ?elle) pulled off $a)le ?ing without a HitchShe onl) stalked me for two )ears after & showed her the ditchPoor Dadd) got no lo'e so now he be rich$old5digging sugar5bab),s making the sales pitchSteele dossier paid for b) a cantankerous witchLock Her (p m) main man Mitch#or ten thousand hours


An internet celebrit) scours@) $ladwell,s rules a master) flowersHitler 's %hurchillCidal 's @uckle)%r)ptona1i& ought to punch )ou in the face )ou pats)&f it,s )ellowLet it mellow Ama1on workers afraid to bellowight to work%ountercultural werk/ werk/ werk$olden showerswin towers<pium flowers(pon witnessing the worship of the $olden %alf Moses unleashes Achilles wrath&,m the gu) that does his jobou,re the @ourgeois snobHoll)wood elites rel)ing on sur'eillance capitalism to peddle their subpar slobBeinstein,s 9abba the hut blobD8% chairs did a @ernie nomination rob America not )et read) for a Democratic Socialist heartthrobSis)phus pushing his boulder &carus, wings begin to smolder he m)th of the $olden Donke)Prometheus turns into a %harlottes'ille honke)Demoniti1ationighteous &ndignationPulling out of the Borld rade <rgani1ation%oitus interrupts to forestall procreation


he birth of a nation Artificial &nseminationKuantitati'e easing,s delegationhe $old standard,s relegation@itcoin welcome to claim this creationhe Apis @ull,s cult of celebrit) o'ershadowed reasonMithra threatened to indoctrinate the oman LegionDeep State sa'ants suealed treason A sperm bank uestionnaire Bhere do )ou see )ourself in ten )earsime maga1ine,s Man of the ear Borshipping the $olden %alf <h it,s all good for a laughHe,s got the Midas touchLiberated in $alt,s $ulch@en <ur @ernanke acted courageousl)o bailout the Ball5Street cronieshe e)e of HorusPainted on the bow of the 'essel&n less than twel'eParsecs did Han Solo,s falcon complete a run on the ?esselMarauding necromancers endangering open5sea tra'elhe man who disco'ered the infinit) loop begins to unra'elScarcit) mindsets endlessl) banging on the Supreme %ourt ga'elDi'ide and ulehe first lesson in Empires School A mass media tool Alternati'es uleou are now entering @ear countr)%odename %o1) @ear,s astrometr)


Alpha/ *ango/ #anc) @ear,s international man of m)ster)(rsa Majors sacred geometr)&t ma) not be good for America/ but it,s damn good for %@SLugenpresseEnem) of the folkDem Deutschen Colke(p in smoke A conspirac) stoked@abble @abble @abble$ondwanaland begins to unra'el&ndo5European scrambleLinguistics filters out the rabble

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Anonymous ID: 024bce May 30, 2019, 11:24 a.m. No.6628846   🗄️.is 🔗kun

full gupta copy and paste: 2

Memoirs of a Shadow President

By Arnav GuptaCopyright 2019 Arnav GuptaSmashwords Edition


Memoirs of a Shadow President

Bhilst )ou remain An as)lum for the criminall) insaneMark wain,s ankee brain rolling all o'er this polari1ed terrain"#inger on the pulseCegas was repulsed%ulture wars lea'ing the populace tremulous@attlelines are drawnhe <rder of the $olden Dawnribal elders looking forlornBe must protect this house8ot ui'er like some <bama mouseLouis %"?" jerking off on a fallen Angel,s blouse8o &ran nuclear dealDefend the forward bastion of the %rusaders appealhe ?apitalisten Schweine suealhe art of the 8ew DealDreams of a Panasia manifested<ne5@elt <ne5oad silkworm infested Ale+ander reincarnatedhe $ordian knot desecratedCeni/ Cidi/ Cici !F"G million attestedDarius the $reatLies in wait#or the trumpet call of fate A papal enc)clicalhese times were biblicalhe sands of time An alchemical euation of rh)me*rouble brewing on the hine


urning social capital into a billionaire,s whineIuckerburg,s testimon) turning on a dimeL,chaimSanders can,t do all the bab) making for )ouSomebod) had to tame this shrew<ne flew o'er the cuckoo$oo goo g,joobJMeooBe are all but pla)ershe truth obfuscated under multiple la)ers(se the forceCictor #rankenstein,s literar) monster is a rojan horse A ussian winter,s Lebensraum borscht A deal with the De'il<n the Masonic le'elBeapons of mass5distractionMasonic s)mbols of erectionEmbracing the %hara')uha,s guaranteed entraption& will hear no tales of collusionhe Man in the High %astle,s cinematic allusion A ps)chedelic infusionPiet) a might) illusion A @ible @elt$ilded ghettos of smelt&dentit) politics manipulations heartfelthe elephant is felledhe last &8< is dealtSitting Shi'a on ed %ru1,s headColdemort is here to spread the Muggleton dread&n a 9ack <,Lanterns silhouette

Alpha/ *ango/ #anc) @ear,s international man of m)ster)(rsa Majors sacred geometr)&t ma) not be good for America/ but it,s damn good for %@SLugenpresseEnem) of the folkDem Deutschen Colke(p in smoke A conspirac) stoked@abble @abble @abble$ondwanaland begins to unra'el&ndo5European scramble

Linguistics filters out the rabble