Anonymous ID: 6c9432 May 30, 2019, 11:59 a.m. No.6629140   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I'm gonna drop this here just in case the planefags have not seen it. This site is running so slow for me now that searching to see if you've seen it is impossible task (as is posting for the most part)


tl;dr is small private plane took off from Missouri where ebola drill is happening. Headed out, lost contact, fighter jets scrambled, chased plane 300 miles off FLA coast where it ditched purposefully in water so deep it is unlikely anything can be recovered.


If you all have found sauce, lemme know just started digging on this. Some speculating it was spraying…


WTAF is wrong with this site? clicking show post options no longer drips down the place to enter video embed. I have to click NEW reply first, do that captcha then the verification captchas begin. This has apparently NOT stemmed the trolling so why keep it in place? It is annoying af.


ALSO Dear Intelligence Overlords:

I am sure you are well aware that the wire you walk on is razor thin and sharp. Cutting things close is not even the word for what you are doing now. It is so intense I can barely stay in that energy field for five minutes at this point.


The margin for error is tremendous. There is not yet any sign of a clear winner. Move, countermove, and they have been at this so much longer. Unless you gain complete control (and I think you know what this means) over any "means" of effecting the earth and environments, I strongly recommend doing whatever it takes to DO that. There is nothing they will not do. NOTHING. As I write this very minute more is planned and the line between good guys and bad guys is blurred so much it is difficult to tell the difference.


What scientist would not give his soul, sell it to the "devil" in order to see their work outside of theoretical experiments and translated to IRL? The scientists are what "did it" before (see Operation PaperClip as MILD example) and they are doing it again. Do not neglect "locking these assets down" no matter what that means.


And I repeat again, do not under any circumstances attend ANY meeting with Prince Harry. Any leaks or repeating of anything you or anyone with you says WILL be made and blamed on him. If he is not there there will be no bad optics to overcome because chuck is not going to do his own dirty work. Only if it can be blamed on Harry. That drug addicted walking disease mentally slow fuckwad needs to be no where near POTUS and you, if you truly do have it all, know exactly what I mean. He just the people of the UK and is PRO REMAIN and is making a hot mess of everything.

Anonymous ID: 6c9432 May 30, 2019, 12:19 p.m. No.6629287   🗄️.is 🔗kun


RV anon…POTUS needs to be VERY careful shaking hands with anyone wearing gloves. As I have said before–(((THEY))) have honed their DNA specifics and I am telling you be careful.


and this site sucks the big one now.