Anonymous ID: 8bfd76 May 30, 2019, 11:58 a.m. No.6629128   🗄️.is 🔗kun


We've known that Mueller didn't qualify for the job (previous term + aged out - you age out at 70 regardless of time served; he was 72 in the office meeting). We've heard Q state here, very specifically, that Mueller was not on the team. Blockade. Obstructing the plan for 2 years, and there was literally nothing that could be done about it. We've seen over 100 references to RR being a "dead man walking", dirty dirty, etc.


RR gets a send off that would make anyone jealous. Mueller "exonerates" POTUS, essentially, by not exonerating him, and setting the tee WAY high for Democrats to impeach. Should be a slam dunk for Dems, right?

>Uncontrollable laughter


POTUS, today, tweets that he didn't help Russia helping him. My God, could you imagine being a staunch anti-Trump libtard that saw that tweet? Mueller very plainly states that even if there was something to prosecute POTUS for, the DOJ rules wouldn't have even allowed it, and left the obstruction question open-ended. Not to mention that Mueller's 2 year long shenanigans didn't even turn up the possibility that Seth Rich was the source to WL, nor did Mueller name Assange directly. So, anons know that if JA doesn't fucking croak in Sweden, and actually gets his ass in front of our Congress at some point in the distant (next year) future, we'll finally get the real truth.


Shit show. We're talking 100%, grade A, pure bullshit American kabuki theater. Mueller didn't have jack shit, only went after plants (but he's not on the team!!!), shook down some MOS-affiliated targets, a patriot (Flynn; who, by the way, was COOPERATING WITH THE SC in other matters), and some guy that came out of no where that claims to be Greek, whose parents arrived here illegally, changed their names, who was "working" in the UK, and is apparently of great interest to intelligence communities/spies for MOS.


So, a lot of shit has unfolded, and Mueller/RR are supposed to be black hats. If they are, they are under POTUS' control; lock, stock and barrel.



It's a fucking mystery, innit?


We know AJ "exposed" it because it was allowed to be "exposed" because AJ was a pied piper operation for conspiracy theorists, backed by MOS. So Bilderberg is what everyone assumes it to be. Kushner going there has people scratching their heads. Either Kush is going to put the fear of God in them, or, something else.

>Looks at Q