Anonymous ID: e1e3c2 May 30, 2019, 11:41 a.m. No.6628987   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9021





you are judging my quality of peace? seriously? what do you know about me?


i just realized you are a bad, judgemental person. you have the delusion of being a good person because of jesus in your life. you think just because you go to church on sunday and pray, you are absolved of your sins.

my belief in god does not allow me to sin. god judges me all the time….it is called a conscience. i try never to sin, so i won't be judged harshly by god, thus eliminating the need for church and jesus. he not die for my sins because i have been a good person thus far. i will not pay a penalty because i do not sin. i am adult who lives life responsibly and dutifully.

"enjoy your life now being your own boss and you can pay yourself for all your rule breaking." what is this shit? so having a faith based life believing in god is not enough?

I'm gonna judge you as you have judged me while knowing nothing about me.

YOU are not a good person. You have judged me based on nothing other than my belief in jesus. YOU seem to be a person who regularly sins based on the things you have written about me, and needs saving. I don't break the "rules" of life because, again, I have a conscience. I had parents who taught me right from wrong, and by example, and by my intuitive gut feeling of right from wrong (maybe that's god within me, huh?).


YOU are not a good person

if YOU were a good person you would not have said these things to me.

if you had lived during the crusades you would have killed me, without a doubt….all in the name of jesus

and you are def low iq
