Anonymous ID: 1845ec May 30, 2019, 12:27 p.m. No.6629358   🗄️.is 🔗kun

No, if the demonrats try and impeach it will not be the thing that helps President Trump win in 2020.


President Trump has already won in 2020. There is nothing the demonrats/rinos can do to defeat President Trump and it doesn't matter if the election was held today, next week, next month…in fact, the way the demonrats/rinos are being forced by their owners to expose their anti-American bias, their corruption, their skirting on the border of absolute, institutionalizable insanity to not just Americans on both sides of the political ideology wall but to the world, I'm surprised some of them haven't exploded yet. It also shows their owners are deeply afraid or they wouldn't be exposing the moral, ethical and intellectual bankruptcy of their bought-and-paid-for congressmen/women. Even if they crawl back under their rocks to wait out President Trump and the Patriot that will come after him in 2024 and the Patriot after that they will have to start from the very beginning and they will have to fight against a knowledgeable population.


When the globalist money-sucking scum took full control of the American/Canadian governments in the 70's and they began to infect kindergardens with their evil, sick propaganda, it was all designed to keep the young from thinking anything other than what they wanted them to think. They did - and still do - this, because they are agraid of people gaining the knowledge of exactly what has been going on. Another reason for the globalist scum to control the printing of schoolbooks. On how ridiculous that ANY sovereign nation should have a people held in financial debt to a foreign entity of any kind…especially when such is on paper as absolutely illegal and a violation of US Constitution. The globalist scum who ultimately own and control all of the demonrats and the sychophantic media meat puppets who seem to have no ability at all to discern the difference between an apple and a '53 Chevy are deathly afraid of "WE THE PEOPLE" being able to see an apple and a '53 Chevy and then being able to note the difference.


Anyone believing anything being vomited forth on the alphabet entertainment/opinion networks is harming themselves.


The greatest Treason in American History was committed by a demonrat House, demonrat Senate and a corrupt, racist demonrat President and it is going to take a Republican House, Republican Senate and Republican President to begin to repair the damage done over the last 106 years.


Every American foolish enough to even entertain the thought of potential redemption for the demonrats is delusional. There is no redemption. How does one redeem oneself after committing Treason against one's nation?


The penalty for Treason is death and even though it isn't something regularly done, nothing like what the demonrats/rinos and their owners have done over the last is deserving of "Special Attention."


What those who originated, orchestrated and committed the deeds must know in their hearts that one way or another, this WILL come to a conclusion. For the next very little while they still have a choice. They will also know, quite clearly, when that very little window has closed and their choices have all been removed.