Anonymous ID: 5107e2 May 30, 2019, 12:38 p.m. No.6629458   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"By their fruits ye shall know them" – the best Q proof for me is exactly that this operation cools down tempers and gives people a longer perspective, without pulling any punches about the particular evil that Hillary Clinton represents.


One more warning about the Ramtha cult: an anon was saying the other day that their support for Q is no problem, even if they are nuts. With respect, I disagree. The Ramtha cult is very dangerous and quite capable of creating a Waco-type firestorm that would be directly linked with Q. Just think of the media coverage.


Two former Ramtha followers were killed in a shootout with police in South Africa in 2011 and this very interesting article appeared in an SA newspaper:


— [Robair] Barbeau told the Saturday Star that he and his wife had joined Ramtha in 1981.


“We sold all our possessions to go and prepare for the end.”


He said he personally built more than 40 underground bunkers. Some of the wealthier members spent anything from $100 000 to $1 million on the elaborate structures.


Barbeau said they were supposed to be secret, but everyone in Yelm knew about them.


He said Knight used fear to keep her “paying customers”.


“I had supplies for about three years – long-lasting food in airtight containers.”


Everyone stockpiled weapons. “I’m not sure if people would go to the extent of shooting a policeman but they would definitely protect themselves.”


He said about 1 800 members lived near the school, paying about $1 000 a week to attend courses.


Barbeau described how Knight gathered her followers.


“First she attracts them with the carrot of spirituality, targeting those searching for answers about God, by also promising to teach them the secret of many things, including how to live 200 years.”


A South African who spent time in Yelm, but asked not to be identified, said many of the families in the rural town had bunkers in which they stored tins of lentils, beans and peas. They also had bicycles and kept guns. “These are apparently to ward off the starving hordes at Armageddon.


Members practised “deep focus and visualisation” to generate capacity to influence reality via their consciousness.


“Every sort of New Age lunacy is encouraged.”


“There is deep paranoia about government control. The idea is to lead a sovereign existence by being independent, but they are dependant on Knight.”


He said people came to “The School” to practise creating wealth – but most were impoverished. —


Note: Everyone stockpiled weapons. Read also this account of the pair in South Africa and how they were living:


JZ Knight recently put out a press release claiming that her DNA changes to that of an Indian America/Viking man when she's channelling Ramtha.


This is seriously nuts, even for Knight, and is a clear sign that her operation is winding up. She has spoken about retiring to avoid pesky media attacks. This extreme egotist will not go quietly into the night.


JZ Knight often boasts of her C_A connections and how they use Ramtha material to train agents. She never said one word in favour of Trump until he got elected, and now she is making money selling Q t-shirts. I am certain that her support of Q is a C_A ploy to discredit Q when her operation implodes.


Can you imagine how the media would cover a major shootout or similar incident involving these nuts? This will be solidly be blamed on Q. You do not want these people on your side.


I personally know Ramtha followers with underground bunkers. This is not a joke. They really think they are going to be lords of the earth after the apocalypse. And they're tired of waiting.


This is exactly why I really appreciate the time scale of The Plan. You can see the shills falling over themselves on this board. They are all coming out of the woodwork. It's a flushing operation as much as anything.


Foreign anon here, but I would say to Americans: stay cool. Trust the plan. When I hear the Ramtha people I know complaining that WW3 hasn't started yet, and asking what's taking people so long to "wake up" … I'm very glad the real awakening is happening at another pace.

Anonymous ID: 5107e2 May 30, 2019, 1 p.m. No.6629681   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9691 >>9692 >>9694


Try ditching your cellphone altogether. I have never owned a mobile phone and never will. And I can guarantee you that I am far more productive than people with phones. I know, because I'm the only person ever on time for meetings, and I have to wait for the first person with a mobile phone to arrive, so that I can start hearing the others' excuses.


Cellphones entrain your brain rhythms into a low-alpha semi-zombie state. There are dozens of studies that show this. Take a look around you and you'll see the zombies everywhere. Do not be one of them.


Your movements are tracked 24/7; you have a live microphone on hand recording anything they want to hear.


Just ditch it.

Anonymous ID: 5107e2 May 30, 2019, 1:19 p.m. No.6629887   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Many occupations require mobile phones. All journalists have to carry cellphones, it's part of the job. I'm sure this is one reason the media covers up the dangers of this technology. They can't imagine their lives without it.


If your job depends you carrying a mobile phone, change jobs.


Read the story of Robert C Kane, a brilliant Motorola engineer who trialled mobile antennas for them, until he got a lesion on his head where he held the phone … and then a brain tumour under the lesion.


Before he died, he wrote a devastating insider account of what Motorola knew and when they knew it, of the dangers of low-level microwaves. It's called "Cellular Telephone Russian Roulette":


(This is an authorised pdf). It's self-published and roughly edited, but to my mind, it's the greatest industry insider account of all time.


Robert C Kane will tell you from beyond the grave, don't put those things against your head. If your job forces you to do this, change jobs.


They tell you in the fine print to keep your iPhone 0.36 inches away from your ear. This is because you are radiating yourself above even the pathetic thermal guidelines if you press the phone against your ear.


What they don't warn you is that you're also radiating your testicles above the thermal limits if you put a phone in your pocket. This is a warning put out by Dr Dariusz Leszczynski, formerly of the Finnish government radiation protection bureau. He showed that ordinary cellphone radiation has effects on the skin in living human subjects, creating stress proteins and the like. This is not supposed to happen with"non-thermal" radiation. He says publicly that Nokia then got his contract at the agency terminated when he tried to extend this research. This was still while Nokia was based in Finland.


There are also dozens of studies showing that ordinary cellphone radiation badly damages human sperm. Why do you think sperm counts are falling drastically? Why have the fertility rates in Japan, S Korea and Taiwan fallen through the floor? These are the most microwaved nations on earth.


A Taiwanese study showed significantly increased cancer rates in townships with towers. They pulled hundreds of towers out of school playgrounds, very quietly. There has never been a study of health around towers in the USA. Not a single one.


All of this is a prelude to 5G, which is a super-surveillance technology. It can only work by tracking you across the landscape millisecond by millisecond, and bouncing signals off cars, billboards, buildings, walls to do so. 5G is the biggest menace the human race has ever faced.