Anonymous ID: 70f6bc May 30, 2019, 12:40 p.m. No.6629476   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9485 >>9591 >>9606

Mueller came out of the woods yesterday. Why? Because he reached the same conclusion we all did: he knows Comey’s toast. The difference is he’s in love with him. He can’t think straight. He made a public statement with a trembling voice:


They knew Mueller’s tactical purpose was to use the Special Counsel to clean up the mess:


Q2116 FISA warrant issued / approved>Papadopoulos. Mueller>>Papadopoulos. YOU MUST TARGET, REMOVE, AND SILENCE ALL THOSE ILLEGALLY TARGETED FOR FISA SURV….


and that his strategic goal was impeachment:


Q1974 Mueller: Impeach POTUS operation?


but we never worried about it:


Q2584 Impeachment requires 2/3rd vote by the Senate. What are the odds of that?


The infernal trio Mueller-Comey-Rosenstein and the Dems thought they had time to prepare an impeachment process with all the optics required to make it successful or at least usable for the 2020 campaign.


Mueller found there was no collusion as early as Nov 2017:


Q3316 At what point did MUELLER determine there was no collusion? [18-months ago?]


But with Rosenstein’s help, he let the clock run, expanded his investigation and was hoping to build his obstruction case with the mistakes the Maestro never ended up doing.


When Barr got in, things accelerated: RR out, the report out, no collusion, no obstruction and Schiff lost the insurance policy he thought was running when threatening to go after POTUS’ children:




They lost everything.


They needed a new plan.




and they needed this plan yesterday because the first DECLAS collateral damage is around the corner:


Q3028 Think timing. [Pelosi] pull threat to impeach? Effort to prevent DECLAS?

Anonymous ID: 70f6bc May 30, 2019, 12:41 p.m. No.6629485   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9504 >>9626



With RR out and their beloved SC instrument dismantled, Dems had a problem: how do you get the ball from Mueller without having him to testify before Congress and answer these very difficult questions:


• When did you find out there was no collusion? Q3316


• Then why was the investigation kept ongoing? Midterms?


• Are you aware of a John Doe request from Nick Lewin? Q3132


• Do you know Jeffrey Epstein?


• Have you ever visisted his Island?


• Was Uranium 1 a transaction you think preserved our security? Q2512


• What was your involvement in U1?


• Did you have IT experts in your staff?


• With the powers you had, were you finally able to access the DNC server that the FBI did not see?


• Don’t you think access to the server would have helped tremendously your investigation and improve your knowledge of the hacking?


• Do you know Seth Rich?


• Do you know Julian Assange?


• Are you aware Seth Rich sent the content of a USB drive to Assange?


• What was the justification for a massive investigation domestic/foreign on Trump and his campaign? Q2777


• Since the Steele Dossier was the starting point for the investigation, did you do your due diligence on the dossier?


• Did you determine who funded it? (no) Q2777


• So you relied on FISC. Did you notice all the 4 FISA Judges who approved the 4 FISAs were appointed by Republican Presidents (Bush Sr, Bush Jr and Reagan) Didn’t you find it odd?


• Was FISC made aware of the details surrounding the Steele dossier? (no)


Don’t you think it was then your responsibility to investigate these details for the manifestation of the truth?


• What justification did you give to DAG RR for him to expand your mandate?


• Why was this expansion not reported to Congress?


• Were you seeking for a crime outside of Russian collusion?


• Did you investigate POTUS’ finances?


• Were you contemplating investigating POTUS’ tweets for obstruction charges? Q1711


• It is open source information that Senator McCain gave the Steele dossier to the FBI. Are you aware?


• Then why isn’t Senator McCain mentioned even once in your 448 page report to confirm at least that open source information?


• Do you know Glenn Simpson and Fusion GPS?


• Assuming you did the proper due diligence on the Steele Dossier, did you know Steele was hired by Fusion GPS which was in turn hired by the DNC through its law firm Perkins & Coie?


• Were you aware Former FBI general counsel James Baker met during the 2016 season with at least one attorney from Perkins Coie? Q2330


• Glenn Simpson, Fusion GPS and Perkins & Coie are therefore key to the manifestation of the truth. Why are they not mentioned even once in your 448 page report?


• Do you know Bruce Ohr?


• Are you aware of his personal relationship with Glenn Simpson?


• Do you know his wife Nellie Ohr?


• Did you know Nellie Ohr was hired by Fusion GPS and was involved in the production of the Steele Dossier?


• Did you know Bruce Ohr was the conduit for Steele at the DOJ and that all their interactions were reported by Bruce Ohr to Sally Yates?


• Did you know Bruce Ohr ultimately told the FBI that the Steele Dossier was not true? Q2041


• Since Bruce Ohr’s involvement was this crucial, why didn’t you call him to testify? Q1974.


• Why didn’t you call Nellie Ohr to testify?


• How about Glenn Simpson?


• And John McCain?


• And Christopher Steele?


As you can see, Mueller testifying before Congress would have been carnage.

Anonymous ID: 70f6bc May 30, 2019, 12:42 p.m. No.6629504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9542 >>9830 >>9833 >>0074



So? Nadler and Mueller set it up in such a way that Mueller could say just enough to get the impeachment ball rolling, without having to be grilled by Congress. Why didn’t Mueller make this statement earlier? Answer: because Comey’s arrest was not imminent.


The dark stars aligned and it was time for Mueller to forget his most elementary law school classes and suggest that, from now on, each American citizen should seek for a document from the DOJ unequivocally attesting he did not commit a crime. Our 12 year FBI Director shamelessly says this:


“And as set forth in the report, after that investigation, if we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so. We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime”.


and cowardly says that:


“Now, I hope and expect this to be the only time that I will speak to you in this manner. I am making that decision myself. No one has told me whether I can or should testify or speak further about this matter”.


Well, sorry Bob. If there are impeachment hearings, I’m pretty sure many republicans in Congress will want to hear a little more from you before sending the ball to the Senate for immediate deflation…


Q2582 These people are stupid. Q


One last thing that needs clarification about Mueller is his meeting with POTUS when he wanted the FBI Director job.


Q challenges us and says:


Q1285 “Congress passed Public Law 94-503, limiting the FBI Director to a single term of no longer than 10 years.” Reconcile. Q


In this article, we discover Mueller was appointed FBI Director by Bush 7 days before the 9/11 terrorist attacks and exceptionally served 12 years at the post. HUSSEIN sought a two-year extension to Mueller's term given “the nation's heightened concern about another attack”. Look how Comey lovingly supported it:


So Mueller gets the job a few days before 9/11, organizes the 9/11 investigation cover-up and gets a 2 year extension because there supposedly was a threat of another attack which did not happen. Okay…


Are you aware of the 9/11 S.Res.610 resolution in Q2328?


With what you now know, do you see it?


John Kerry was Bin Laden’s handler and Comey was ISIS’ Baghdadi’s.


The only way Mueller could have had the FBI Director job again is if he and his buddies in the Intelligence Community played the same extension card and convinced Trump that there were concerns about an attack.


Trump did not fall for it. There was no way he would have handled this supposed attack with U1 Mueller at the helm. He had true patriots in the Team available for that.


The next day, Rosenstein appointed Mueller Special Counsel…


Q154 Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they’ had a plan to conduct ‘another’ mass extinction event.

Anonymous ID: 70f6bc May 30, 2019, 12:51 p.m. No.6629584   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAKING: Chicago prosecutors charge R&B singer R. Kelly with 11 new sex-related counts involving one victim.