Anonymous ID: d26445 May 30, 2019, 12:46 p.m. No.6629549   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9585 >>9911



I believe that at this point, Trump and Q have not come through on their promise of power to the people and TRUE FREEDOM.


Again, the IRS still exists, the FED still exists, and the only thing keeping the MSM alive at this point is Trump.


It all seems like a show to me, one that will never end.


I have to call it like I see it. The state of our government, the Trump Presidency, and Q, AT THIS POINT reminds me of never-ending WWE television show.


The transparency isn't there Anon, the freedom isn't there, the censorship IS HERE more than ever and nothing is in place to stop it.


Trump could pass an executive order RIGHT NOW (if he wanted to) to outlaw social media censorship. Yet here we are. The ones with the voices to speak out against the machine have been silenced and filtered.


Based on the responses in the last bread that drew "Shill-esque" responses, I think the pieces of the puzzle are beginning to form a full picture.


This is an operation to keep FREE THINKERS, and outspoken individuals distracted with the possibility of WORLD CHANGING freedom that never actually comes to fruition.


And at this point Anons,