Anonymous ID: dc040d May 30, 2019, 12:28 p.m. No.6629372   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6629136 lb


More re lbp pic “ at the 40”


In Naples, 40 is “quaranta”


QUARANTA = Quay + Ranta?


Quay- a dock, float, jetty, landing or pier


Ranta-(FInnish) - shore, beach or bank

Anonymous ID: dc040d May 30, 2019, 1:31 p.m. No.6630017   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6626697 lb


Re Alamitos Bay/lbp Q drop:

Is there a small vessel named “Aegir” out of Alamitos Bay that has anything interesting about her?


Interesting name. Norse god of the sea who has wife named Ran who drags unfortunate seafarers down to her undersea abode. Aegir and Ran dwell in a magnificent hall beneath the ocean.


Aegir- means aqua


Re “on the 40”: Q pic titled lbp has crosshairs on shore of a small subdivision called Naples.


In Naples, Italy you say 40 as Quaranta.


Quaranta contains the letters for AQUA(Aegir) and RAN.


Quaranta also contains the Finnish word Ranta which means shore, beach or bank.


Quaranta also sounds like Quay Ranta. “Quay”, also spelled quai, means dock, float, jetty, landing, levee, pier or wharf.


Curious about this boat.