Anonymous ID: de1e67 May 30, 2019, 12:29 p.m. No.6629375   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel PM meets top US officials amid political crisis


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday met with Jared Kushner, US President Donald Trump’s senior adviser (and son-in-law), and Jason Greenblatt, Trump’s Mideast envoy, Anadolu Agency reports.


Kushner and Greenblatt are visiting Israel as part of a wider Middle East tour in the run-up to a planned US-sponsored meeting in Bahrain meant to lure investment to the Palestinian territories.


The White House has described the upcoming meeting in Manama as the first phase of its so-called “Deal of the Century”, a backchannel Palestine-Israel peace plan the terms of which have yet to be made public.


In April, Kushner said that details of the plan would be unveiled after the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan.


Israeli media, however, reported on Thursday that this could be delayed after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu failed to form a coalition government, prompting him to announce snap elections in September.


“Kushner thought he was coming to Jerusalem to meet a prime minister,” Haaretz reported. “Instead, he’s meeting a man forced to plan his second reelection campaign of the year.”


According to the newspaper, the political crisis could end up derailing the Trump administration’s peace plan.


Slated for June 25 and 26, the upcoming conference in Manama will reportedly be chaired by Kushner and Greenblatt.


Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar have all announced their intention to take part in the event.


Based on leaks in the Israeli media, Trump’s peace plan will call on the Palestinian leadership to make concessions to Israel regarding Jerusalem’s status and the rights of Palestinian refugees.

Anonymous ID: de1e67 May 30, 2019, 12:33 p.m. No.6629413   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9534

Contracts Reveal How the DEA Exercises Control Over Television, Film Productions


Nearly 200 pages of Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) contracts show how the agency exercises control over TV and film productions.


Nearly 200 pages of Drug Enforcement Administration contracts with producers were obtained through the Freedom of Information Act. They show for the first time how the agency interacts with television and film productions.


The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is quite active in the entertainment industry. It exercises stringent control over how the agency is represented in documentaries, reality shows, and dramas.


With several projects, the DEA carefully reviews their own files to pick out select cases that made them look good, which then form the basis for either fictional or factual productions.


The contracts [PDF] cover 2011 to 2017. Over that time period, DEA supported dozens of projects, including “Cops and Coyotes” and multiple episodes of “Drugs Inc.” and “Gangsters: America’s Most Evil.” They support the fictional drugs drama “Pure,” too.


Other supported projects were “Lethal Cargo,” “The Notorious Mr. Bout,” and “Declassified: Untold Stories of American Spies.” They even worked with the U.S. government-funded Middle East Broadcasting Network for a program that featured the DEA museum..


Proving a Drug Case | Cops & Coyotes


Strangely absent from the contracts are “Narcos” and “Breaking Bad,” despite various reports that both shows employed DEA employees as consultants.


In response to a separate FOIA request asking about their input on “Breaking Bad,” the DEA claimed they couldn’t find any records whatsoever. The released documents also do not include “Finding Escobar’s Millions” and “Battle Zone: The Origins of Sicario,” even though the DEA was credited on both documentaries.


The contracts show the near-total control the DEA wields over productions they assist.


Some producers are given permission to embed film crews within DEA Enforcement Groups but only under the provision that “DEA supervisors on the scene shall have the final say in approving any filming during real-time law enforcement operations.”


The production support offered by the DEA is completely free. It costs the producers nothing and ranges from granting permission to use the DEA name and logo to filming at DEA installations and interviewing their agents.

Anonymous ID: de1e67 May 30, 2019, 12:37 p.m. No.6629450   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9474

HYPOCRITES! Disney Threatens To Cut Off Georgia Film Production Over Pro-Life Laws But Has MASSIVE Business With Communist China


Hollywood hypocrites are at it again, threatening to cut off production in Georgia over their new pro-life legislation outlawing abortion in their state.


First it was Netflix, and now it’s Disney.


This is nothing more than virtue signaling on the backs of the people of Georgia, who are apparently good enough for Bob Iger as long as they keep their mouths shut and their legs open.


But who the hell is Disney to criticize ANYONE over a moral position? Let’s reflect, shall we?


From Child Labor Watch:


Disney’s fairytales are all stories of heroes who defeat the wicked, with a prince saving the princess, and good triumphing over evil. However, these are all beautiful fairytale stories, but the truth behind the manufacture of Disney’s toys is far different.


The manufacturing process of Disney toys in China, is a process of oppressing Chinese workers. At the Zhen Yang Toy factory in Dongguan, Guangdong province, where Frozen products are manufactured, many thousands of workers labor every day for 12 hours. Some work non-stop for periods of 11 hours, with only a one hour meal and rest break in between. 16 workers share a 16 square meter dormitory room. Each floor of the dormitory building has 20 rooms. 320 workers share 24 toilets and 24 bathrooms. The bathrooms have no hot water, only cold water. There are no showerheads, and workers have to use a bucket or pan to take a bath. Workers earn 8.68RMB/hour ($1.32USD/hour), and working a total of 172 hours, this amounts to 1510RMB ($230USD). Workers are forced to work overtime every day. During the off season, workers hope to have more opportunities to work overtime. Without overtime, the base wage is insufficient to cover workers costs of living.


This factory is not the only case. Previously, China Labor Watch underwent investigations in dozens of factories which manufactured for Disney, and the working conditions were similar. As a non-governmental organization, our resources are very limited. The factories we investigate are only 0.1% of Disney’s network of 30,000 facilities involved in the production of Disney products.


Will the people of Georgia be allowed to buy Disney’s cheap crap made using nearly slave labor?


Not to mention, China is home to two FABULOUS modern amenities:


Will it be difficult to film there as they are all pedos and need abortions for the children they get pregnant???

Anonymous ID: de1e67 May 30, 2019, 12:39 p.m. No.6629468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9510 >>9639 >>9786 >>9926 >>0056

Barr says he felt Mueller 'could've reached a decision' on obstruction


Attorney General William Barr says he believes special counsel Robert Mueller could have reached a decision on whether President Trump obstructed justice during the course of his 22-month investigation.


"I personally felt he could've reached a decision," Barr told CBS on Thursday.


Barr pointed to Justice Department guidance that says a sitting president cannot be indicted, adding that Mueller "could've reached a decision as to whether there was criminal activity."


Mueller said Wednesday in remarks from the Justice Department that the guidance prevented his team from charging Trump with a crime.


"It would be unfair to potentially accuse somebody of a crime when there can be no court resolution of the actual charge," he said.


However, the special counsel also declined to exonerate Trump, leaving some Democrats to say that it was up to Congress to pursue impeachment.


“After that investigation, if we had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said that,” Mueller said.


During the clip released Thursday, Barr pushed back on the idea that Mueller was handing over to Congress the decision on whether to take action against Trump.


"I am not sure what he was suggesting, but you know the Department of Justice doesn’t use our powers of investigating crimes as an adjunct to Congress," Barr said.


Some Democrats have seized on Mueller's remarks Wednesday –– his first public comments since he was appointed special counsel two years ago –– to push for the start of an impeachment inquiry against Trump.


During the surprise press conference at the Justice Department, Mueller signaled that he did not want to testify before Congress and that his sprawling 448-page report detailing his investigation's findings "speaks for itself."


Mueller did not directly mention impeachment in his remarks, but did note that the same DOJ guidance that prevented any potential indictment of Trump also states that "the Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing."


The DOJ has also sought to bridge any potential gap between remarks given by Barr and Mueller on the role that department guidance played in Mueller's decision to not reach a conclusion on whether Trump obstructed justice.

Anonymous ID: de1e67 May 30, 2019, 12:41 p.m. No.6629491   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Released today


Semiannual Report to Congress: October 1, 2018 – March 31, 2019

Anonymous ID: de1e67 May 30, 2019, 12:44 p.m. No.6629521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9559

SCANDAL: In Yemen, U.N. Gives Armored Vehicles To Iranian Backed Al Houthi


Yemeni Information Minister Moammar Al Eryani called the donation of armored vehicles to Al Houthi a new “UN scandal and seriously puts Yemenis’ lives at risk”.


On Tuesday, the UN Development Programme (UNDP) announced providing 20 Hilux armored vehicles to the Yemen Executive Action Centre (YEMAC), a militant-controlled agency, to support its purported demining efforts in the Red Sea city of Hodeida.


“It is regrettable that the funding, offered by the sisterly and friendly countries to Yemen’s UN relief programmes, is diverted to finance Al Houthis’ mine-making programmes under Iranian supervision,” Al Eryani added in a series of tweets.

Anonymous ID: de1e67 May 30, 2019, 12:46 p.m. No.6629548   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9561 >>9563 >>9639 >>9648 >>9681 >>9926 >>0056 >>0074

iPhones Harvest And Transmit Massive Amounts Of Data While You Sleep


iPhones are surprisingly active in the middle of the night, according to a report by Washington Post Technology writer, Geoffrey Fowler.


Fowler tracked his iPhone's activity recently, finding that dozens of companies were receiving information at all hours.


On a recent Monday night, a dozen marketing companies, research firms and other personal data guzzlers got reports from my iPhone. At 11:43 p.m., a company called Amplitude learned my phone number, email and exact location. At 3:58 a.m., another called Appboy got a digital fingerprint of my phone. At 6:25 a.m., a tracker called Demdex received a way to identify my phone and sent back a list of other trackers to pair up with.


And all night long, there was some startling behavior by a household name: Yelp. It was receiving a message that included my IP address -— once every five minutes. -WaPo


Also not lost on Fowler was the irony of a January Apple advertisement which claimed "What happens on your iPhone stays on your iPhone."


iPhone apps passing information in the middle of the night include Microsoft OneDrive, Intuit’s Mint, Nike, Spotify, The Washington Post and IBM’s the Weather Channel. "One app, the crime-alert service Citizen, shared personally identifiable information in violation of its published privacy policy," Fowler notes.


With the help of privacy firm Disconnect, Fowler encountered over 5,400 trackers in just one week - mostly within apps, that send his information to third party companies. Over the course of a month, the unwanted trackers were on track to upload 1.5 gigabytes of data.

Anonymous ID: de1e67 May 30, 2019, 12:48 p.m. No.6629567   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Moscow to create large-scale facial recognition system, mayor says


The facial recognition system was first introduced when Moscow hosted the 2018 FIFA World Cup


MOSCOW, May 30. /TASS/. Moscow’s authorities plan to announce a competition to create a large-scale facial recognition system comprising more than 200,000 CCTV cameras in the capital, the Russian capital’s Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said on Thursday.


The facial recognition system was first introduced when Moscow hosted the 2018 FIFA World Cup, Sobyanin recalled, speaking at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on issues devoted to developing artificial intelligence technologies.


"Now we have tested the video facial recognition in the metro, through cameras at entrance halls and detected dozens of criminals who had been on a wanted list. This year, very soon, we will announce a competition to create a large-scale video recognition system jointly with the Interior Ministry, comprising more than 200,000 CCTV cameras in Moscow. It will become one of the world’s largest, to be only rivalled by Chinese systems," Sobyanin said.


The mayor also said a speech recognition technology has been introduced in the capital. "Today between 40% and 70% of calls are serviced at our call centers through chatbots," Sobyanin said. Now speech recognition technologies have been tested in transport, schools and medical institutions, "facilitating the work of a huge number of people," he added.


Today some 167,000 CCTV cameras have been working in Moscow, with 16,000 users having access to them. These are staff members of law enforcement agencies, state and municipal organizations. All of them have their access level, and each log-in in the system is recorded.

Anonymous ID: de1e67 May 30, 2019, 12:52 p.m. No.6629602   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9614

New Website Credder Aims to Fight Fake News, Promote Real Journalism


The only fake news solutions being proposed were Google or Facebook censoring on our behalf or some AI for news that would come save the day. Ultimately, all the proposed solutions were about outsourcing our critical thinking skills. So we thought ‘what if there was a Yelp for news, connecting news consumers?’”


Do you trust the media? Most people don’t. A 2017 study of nine Western countries found that in not one did a majority of people think traditional news or social media sorted fact from fiction well. Trust in media has been falling since the 1970s, and particularly in the last few years, as alternative media challenged mainstream narratives and companies like Facebook and Google AdSense deprived traditional media of advertising income.


Fake news is not reserved only for low-quality, clickbait websites. Some 72 percent of Americans agree that traditional media consistently report stories they know to be false or purposefully misleading for political or financial gain. Even some of the most trusted news outlets like the BBC have told their staff to “emulate Buzzfeed” in producing viral, clickbait-y articles and videos. Can this terminal decline in quality and accuracy be halted? Or is the future of media more “junk food news,” as Project Censored’s Mickey Huff fears?


“Like Yelp, but for news”


Credder, a website and browser extension launched this week, aims to spark a revolution in high-quality journalism and a crowd-sourced fight-back against fake news. Credder is a news aggregation service where users can view and rate news and opinion articles for their accuracy and credibility. The aggregate score is displayed to inform readers of the community’s judgment on articles, websites and individual journalists. Both users and verified journalists can rate any article from sites that have agreed to be ranked on the platform.



Anonymous ID: de1e67 May 30, 2019, 12:53 p.m. No.6629614   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Troubles ahead?


There are certainly many hurdles to overcome to become the Yelp of news. For one, the problem of bad-faith reviews and gangs of trolls that has dogged similar rating sites. For instance, anti-feminists mass-downvoted the latest all-female Ghostbusters movie on Rotten Tomatoes and Credder’s reviewers consist of both verified journalists and users who are encouraged to optionally verify their identity to improve their own rater’s credibility score. Users can rank only articles, and not websites or individual journalists, which could reduce dishonest reviews. Furthermore, the community can upvote or downvote reviewers’ evaluations as well, meaning bad-faith reviewers’ opinions will carry less weight in the algorithm. Credder’s team hopes these measures will dissuade such bad behavior, but that remains to be seen.


Breaking even will pose another challenge, and Palmieri calculates he will need 10,000 users to achieve a critical mass and make the project viable. His plan to make money is to “become the Patreon for news media,” enabling users to tip their favorite outlets or journalists directly and taking a cut of the transaction. Sponsored articles from outlets or individuals, allowing people to share their work with targeted audiences with whom they believe it would resonate is also an option, although these articles will then be at the mercy of the user base, and rise or fall accordingly, encouraging sponsors to promote only their highest quality work.


“One of the main challenges is just getting it out there in terms of visibility and getting people on the platform and using it so they can see how effective it can be,” said Huff, who is also Professor of Social Science at Diablo Valley College and has advised Palmieri:


Reaching a critical mass and breaking through the noise is going to be their biggest test. But Credder is first on the scene in terms of crowd-contested media and they have really been working out the bugs on it for the last couple of years.”


In this brave new online world, there is a pressing need for more critical media literacy. With disinformation all around us the battle for the means of communication rages silently in cyberspace. Credder hopes to be a player in this fight. But whether the restaurateurs have served up a Yelp for news remains to be seen.



Anonymous ID: de1e67 May 30, 2019, 12:55 p.m. No.6629640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9663 >>9702 >>9926 >>0056 >>0074

Malaysia Proposes Common Asian Gold-Backed Currency


For years, gold bulls had speculated that China has been quietly piling up physical gold, awaiting the moment to unveil a gold-backed currency, either after the dollar's reserve status falters or before.


Today, the Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad took one large step in that direction when he proposed the launch of an Asian version of the euro: a common trading currency for East Asia that, unlike the euro, would be pegged to gold, describing the existing currency trading in the region as manipulative (perhaps in reference to China's currency setting framework).


According to the Malaysian PM, the proposed common currency could be used to settle imports and exports, but would not be used for domestic transactions.


“In the Far East, if you want to come together, we should start with a common trading currency, not to be used locally but for the purpose of settling of trade,” he said at the Nikkei Future of Asia conference in Tokyo. “The currency that we propose should be based on gold because gold is much more stable.”


He said under the current foreign exchange system, local currencies were affected by external factors and were manipulated. He did not elaborate on how they were manipulated, and whether his complaint was against the dollar or the yuan. That said, Mahathir has long been a critic of currency trading, and according to Reuters, he once accused George Soros of betting against Asian currencies.


Incidentally, during the Asian financial crisis two decades ago, Mahathir pegged the ringgit currency at 3.8 to the dollar and imposed capital controls. That peg was scrapped in 2005.


Earlier this week, the Trump administration said that no major trading partner met the criteria required to be placed on the U.S. Treasury Department’s list of its currency manipulators, it named Malaysia among nine countries that required close scrutiny. In response, Malaysia’s central bank said on Wednesday its intervention in currency markets was limited to managing excessive volatility.


While it is unclear if the Malaysian PM's proposal is serious or just jawboning, should the Asian nation truly push for a currency alternative that evades the dollar, then many of the narrative gaps in the Zoolander script will finally become self-explanatory.

Anonymous ID: de1e67 May 30, 2019, 12:58 p.m. No.6629667   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0104

1000 Migrants Apprehended at Texas Border in Largest Group Ever


El Paso Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended a historic 1,036 migrants in a single group near El Paso on Wednesday morning. The group included more than 60 unaccompanied minors.


Agents patrolling the border near El Paso encountered the largest-ever single group of Central American migrants crossing the border at one time. The previous record migrant group consisted of a group of 430 migrants who crossed the border near El Paso on Monday, according to information obtained from El Paso Sector officials. Prior to that agents apprehended a single group of 424 Central American migrants who crossed the New Mexico border near Antelope Wells one month ago.


U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials reported that the 1,036 migrants apprehended early Wednesday morning consisted of mostly Central American migrants including 934 family units, 63 unaccompanied minors, and 39 single adults, NBC News reported. The migrants traveled to the U.S. from Guatemala (515), Honduras (135), and El Salvador (76).


“Immigration advocates say more immigrants are traveling in large groups because they believe in ‘safety in numbers,’ as conditions along their journey are treacherous,” NBC News reported. “U.S. officials say the large groups overwhelm medical teams and border agents, who are most often patrolling in pairs.”


It has been a very busy week for El Paso Sector agents who are responsible for a largely unsecured border that covers far West Texas and the New Mexico boot-heel. On Memorial Day, El Paso Sector agents established a new single-day record by apprehending more than 2,200 migrants, according to information obtained by Breitbart News from El Paso Sector officials. The migrants crossed the border in two large groups and several smaller groups, officials reported.


POTUS close the fucking border!

Anonymous ID: de1e67 May 30, 2019, 1:02 p.m. No.6629711   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The guy who ran the FBI for 12 years does not believe in the fundamental underpinning of American law. This should terrify everyone.


John Brennan: “You are innocent until ALLEGED to have committed a crime.”

Anonymous ID: de1e67 May 30, 2019, 1:10 p.m. No.6629777   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former Israeli Defense Minister Confirms Israeli Collaboration with ISIS in Syria


This article was originally published in April 2017.


In the midst of complaining about the Islamist threat to Israel and the world, Bibi Netanyahu conveniently forgets that his own country enjoys a tacit alliance with ISIS in Syria. It is an alliance of convenience to be sure and one that’s not boasted about by either party. But is not terribly different from one than Israel enjoys with its other Muslim allies like Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States.


Bogie Yaalon served as defence minister in the current Israeli government till he had a falling out with Netanyahu in May 2016. Now Yaalon plans to form his own party and run against his former boss. Unfortunately for him, he’s not polling well and doesn’t appear to be much of a political threat.


So Yaalon enjoys the position of having little to lose. He can speak more candidly than the average politician. In this context, he spoke at length on security matters at a public event in Afula. There is always much that I disagree with whenever I read Yaalon’s views. For example, while warning in this video about the danger of favoring too heavily one side over the other in Syria, he essentially justifies Israel’s interventionist approach. It largely has favored Assad’s Islamist opponents. Nor do I much like, in another context, Yaalon’s choice of political allies–from Islamophobe blogger Pam Geller to Meir Kahane’s grandson.


But he did reveal Israel’s ties to ISIS in Syria. I’ve documented, along with other journalists, Israeli collaboration with al-Nusra, an affiliate of al-Qaeda. But no Israeli till now has admitted it has collaborated with ISIS as well. Below Yaalon implicitly confirms this:


…Within Syria there are many factions: the regime, Iran, the Russians, and even al-Qaeda and ISIS. In such circumstances, one must develop a responsible, carefully-balanced policy by which you protect your own interests on the one hand, and on the other hand you don’t intervene. Because if Israel does intervene on behalf of one side, it will serve the interests of the other; which is why we’ve established red lines. Anyone who violates our sovereignty will immediately feel the full weight of our power. On most occasions, firing comes from regions under the control of the regime. But once the firing came from ISIS positions–and it immediately apologized.


The attack he refers to was reported in Israeli media. But ISIS’ apology was not. It was suppressed most certainly because an ISIS’ apology would embarrass both Israel and the Islamists as it has now.

Some critics claim that an ISIS apology doesn’t signify an alliance or serious collaboration between the Islamist group and Israel. To which I reply–when you bomb an ally you apologize. When you bomb an enemy–you don’t. What does that make ISIS to Israel? Further, when was the last time an Islsmist terror group apologized for for firing bullets at Jews or Israelis?


UPDATE: RT reports that the specific incident involved the ISIS Shuhada al-Yarmouk “cell,” which had taken over a former UN observation post on the border. The IDF Golani brigade which patrolled that sector believed this could signify an aggressive posture by ISIS which might threaten Israeli territory. So the commander ordered a unit into the area, within Syrian territory, in order ambush the ISIS detachment. When armed Islamists appeared to be moving in the direction of the border, the Golani troops opened fire. In the ensuing battle, eight of the Islamists were killed. The fact that the group later apologized to Israel indicates to me that the al-Yarmouk detachment had violated an understanding worked out by the two sides.


Video proof


Israeli State Intelligence Service

Anonymous ID: de1e67 May 30, 2019, 1:16 p.m. No.6629851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9869

Russia refutes Bolton’s claim of Iran's role in UAE oil tankers attack


Russia says it does not trust claims by US National Security Advisor John Bolton that Iran was engaged in recent “sabotage” attacks targeting vessels off the coast of the United Arab Emirates.


On Wednesday, Bolton alleged that the May 12 incident involving four commercial vessels near the port of Fujairah had been caused by Iranian naval mines, without providing any evidence to substantiate his claim. “I think it is clear these (tanker attacks) were naval mines almost certainly from Iran,” claimed the American official, speaking at a press conference in the Emirati capital Abu Dhabi.


Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov fundamentally questioned the remarks in an interview with Sputnik, which the Russian news agency published on Thursday.


“We've seen countless situations when Americans adjusted certain facts or events to political orders and their own narrow national beliefs of what happens and how it happens, and how something should be done,” Ryabkov said, adding, “This is not even the UK 'highly likely,' this is something worse. They are just presumptuously imposing their opinion on the whole world or at least trying to do so."


The Russian official also warned that such unfounded statements served to escalate standing tensions. "Such policies are especially dangerous in the Middle East.”


“This is why we will continue calmly making effort to ensure that common sense eventually prevails,” he noted, and advised adoption of “a more sensible approach” where “responsible officials engage in diplomacy rather than propaganda."


Later on Wednesday, Iran’s Foreign Ministry rejected Bolton’s claim as "ridiculous." Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Moussavi said Bolton and “other warmongers” had to know that the Islamic Republic would patiently and vigilantly work to prevent them from fulfilling “their ominous schemes to create chaos in the region."

Anonymous ID: de1e67 May 30, 2019, 1:18 p.m. No.6629873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0005

Facing War-Weary Base, Trump Shifting to a More Diplomatic Approach


Tone shift will be a struggle, as administration hawks don't seem to be on board


Despite trying to give the appearance of boundless confidence in his foreign policy, President Trump appears very aware that a lot of Americans, including parts of his political base, are profoundly uncomfortable with the war-mongering tone of recent months.


Between Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela, the US has seemed on the brink of a huge war for months now. With the polls turning against him, President Trump is now talking up diplomacy, and how he’s not seeking regime change in Iran.


This is fueling criticism from hawkish pundits, who like their president the way he was: shaking his fists with rage and promising great suffering the world over. They are accusing Trump of showing weakness and undercutting his previous “maximum pressure” strategy.


Trump may struggle to complete this shift in tone, with top members of his cabinet heavily committed to the more hawkish language. It is hard to envision John Bolton, for instance, advocating something that doesn’t involve a region-wide war.


Indeed, John Bolton is in the United Arab Emirates at the same time, and continues to talk up the need for a “strong response” to Iran, accusing Iran of doing things that there is no evidence they did, on the grounds that “who else would you think is doing it?” Trump’s attempts to convey a sense of calm in the Middle East are clearly and dramatically being undercut by Bolton.


Some analysts are downplaying the Trump-Bolton split, even though Trump is openly seeking consultation with Sheldon Adelson on how to deal with him. They are suggesting the differences are deliberate, and meant to be a good cop, bad cop strategy. In reality this is a war Bolton has wanted for decades, and it seems like he’s not going to allow facts or policy to get in the way of his advocacy.

Anonymous ID: de1e67 May 30, 2019, 1:21 p.m. No.6629906   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9916 >>0046

Jordan king meets Kushner, urges formation of Palestinian state with E al-Quds as capital


Jordan’s King Abdullah II has called for the formation of an independent Palestinian state along the 1967 boundaries with East Jerusalem al-Quds as its capital, in what appears to be at odds with Washington’s upcoming proposal on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


He made the remarks in a meeting with a US delegation headed by US President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner, along with Middle East Envoy Jason Greenblatt, in Amman on Wednesday.


King Abdullah II, who acts as the custodian of Islamic holy sites in Jerusalem al-Quds, expressed his commitment to the so-called two-state solution.


The Jordan king had “stressed the need to step up all efforts to achieve comprehensive and lasting peace on the basis of the two-state solution, guaranteeing the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the 4 June 1967 lines, with East Jerusalem [al-Quds] as its capital … in accordance with international law and relevant UN resolutions,” the Royal Hashemite Court said in a statement.


Meanwhile, Jordan’s official Petra news agency reported that the two sides had exchanged views on “regional developments, especially efforts to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.”


Greenblatt also tweeted that he had a “constructive meeting” with King Abdullah II that included “a good conversation about regional dynamics.”


The US delegation is meeting with top officials in Morocco, Jordan and Israel this week before it unveils the economic portion of the so-called “deal of the century” during a conference in Manama, Bahrain, on June 25-26.


On Tuesday, Kushner and Greenblatt held talks with Morocco’s King Mohammed VI on the Manama forum, which has been boycotted by all Palestinian factions.


The Palestinians have also rejected the US Middle East initiative as “the slap of the century” because it is said to hugely favor Israel.


On Tuesday evening, Jordanian activists held a protest near the heavily-fortified American embassy in Amman to denounce Kushner’s visit and Trump's plan on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


Kushner and Greenblat two Zionist Israel firsters trying to make a deal to benefit guess who??? hint not the US

Anonymous ID: de1e67 May 30, 2019, 1:32 p.m. No.6630029   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0034 >>0054 >>0109



P serves the Chair. The beast.

Israel: Rothschild created Zionist state right arm of the Noahide World Order.

Saudi Arabia: UK ^^^ creation Marxist (Soros MB) left arm of the Noahide World Order.

US DS puppet state and enforcer of the Noahide World Order.

EU puppet state and the financial arm of the Noahide World Order.

Chinese Communists manufacturing/distribution arm of the Noahide World Order.

AUS CAN NZ BRA satellite states of the Noahide World Order.


Death of gentiles must occur continually. Most deaths are manufactured, poison food, water, radiation, vaccines, cancer, war, created crisis, FF and on and on……

We are cattle to them.

They have automation for labor and have no need for the population.

Find truth, reject their system.

The most high will watch over you when you seek the righteous path and avoid temptation.

Dig meme pray fight.


You matter.


Dear Lord give us strength and protection as we enter the storm. Expand our armor of which you've provided to protect the innocent who have lost their way, allow us to rise as one in your righteous light.