Anonymous ID: fde926 May 30, 2019, 1:08 p.m. No.6629764   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9770


Housekeeping stuff from the previous bread:





>>6627817 Biden Being Biden - inappropriate with a 10 year old

A link in LB notables is wrong.

It belongs to this:

>>6627817 POTUS livestream from 2019 United States Air Force Academy Graduation Ceremony

Anonymous ID: fde926 May 30, 2019, 1:36 p.m. No.6630063   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0080 >>0103

#8476 posted in #8477 ghost bake, notes retrieved

>>6628585 Hungarian Researcher Documents Hundreds of Democrat Organizations Linked to Soros

>>6628629 President Donald Trump to issue ‘big-league’ statement on the border

>>6628630 Israel-based meeting of Florida cabinet triggers a suit

>>6628671 Satanic Temple says it's immunie from SCOTUS abortion ruling on fetal remains

>>6628707 Report: Over 600,000 migrants entered the UK in 2018

>>6628733 Five Star Movement Leader Offers Resignation After Disastrous Election Result

>>6628768 Joe Biden ‘Has Taken Billions of Dollars in Bribes from the Chinese Government’

>>6628794 China, Russia to boycott 'deal of the century' summit in Bahrain

>>6628917 POTUS holding portrait of airplanes

>>6629093, >>6628593 Q post 50 yard line graphic

>>6629049 Trump escalates attacks on Mueller

>>6629129 Mueller Destroys the Rule of Law—AGAIN!

>>6629275 Iran Will Restart Contested Nuclear Work Unless Cash ‘Demands Are Met’