Anonymous ID: 00ec03 May 30, 2019, 1:38 p.m. No.6630102   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0202 >>0247 >>0294 >>0479

1. Moves, counter moves and misinformation. Optics are important. Trust the Plan:


We are witnessing an amazing plan come together. Sometimes things are not as they seem.


Disinfo is necessary because it is important to never reveal your plan to the enemy.


  1. Let's take a look back to when Q told us to listen to Joe DiGenova on Fox News talking about the incoming Comey Report (Expected 2 weeks from when DiGenova reported) (Still NO Comey Report).


  1. Q endorsed what DiGenova was reporting, and told anons to listen carefully.


Q had previously alluded that the Comey Report would come before the OIG report and FISA declas, which was consistent with what DiGenova reported.


  1. We got to witness 2 weeks of PANIC from Comey and others because DiGenova had successfully ruffled some feathers (with disinformation).


The classic 'FAKE-OUT' made for a very entertaining show.


Q and DiGenova played [them] like fools.




Are Qteam using Joe DiGenova as disinfo bait to troll the deep state?


This is all OPTICS. This is all POLITCAL THEATRE.




Ask yourself:


Why is Joe DiGenova going on the media calling Christopher Wray "an empty suit"?


  1. Why is Joe DiGenova going on the media saying that the Huber investigation is a farce and it never even started?


  1. Qteam are running elaborate psyops on the deep state. This puts the deep state into a state of uncertainty and panic. This is now obvious for all to see.


  1. [Fish]ing is fun.


  1. Disinfo is real, disinfo is necessary


Optics are important.


  1. Consider this…


Q has told us that the public will learn that the DOJ/FBI have been actively working behind the scenes in one of the largest criminal investigations in modern day history. Transparency is the only way forward.


"Empty Suits"?? Hmmm, I don't think so.


  1. The idea of a 'Sting Op' is that they will not see it coming and they will not know where to look, but mostly, the idea of a sting op, is to make it STING.


The nature of the enemy is such that Qteam best not miss.


Timing is everything.


  1. Wait for the BOOMS!


Nothing can stop what is coming

Anonymous ID: 00ec03 May 30, 2019, 1:49 p.m. No.6630188   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0480 >>0677 >>0768 >>0844

Black voter praises President Trump during Justin Amash town hall: “It’s just bewildering to me that you can treat the president of the United States in this way, especially when he’s doing such a good job for minorities and black people.”

Anonymous ID: 00ec03 May 30, 2019, 1:57 p.m. No.6630274   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0662

Attorney General Barr is the most dangerous man in Washington


Prior IG Conclusions Impede Current AG Barr… A “conclusion” is not always the same thing. In logic a “conclusion” implies: deduction, inference, interpretation, reasoning, opinion, judgement, decision, diagnosis, verdict, determination, assumption, presumption, supposition, conjecture, surmise. Notice that it is not “definitive” or “unassailable.”


When fulfilling a contract, a “conclusion” connotes: end, ending, finish, close, closure, termination, wind-up, cessation, culmination, finale, denouement, coda, peroration, epilogue. “Over and done” when an “end” is declared. Notice that it is not “definitive” or “unassailable.”


In concluding an agreement, a “conclusion” is: negotiation, brokering, settlement, settling, clinching, completion, arranging, accomplishment, establishment, resolution. Notice that it is not “definitive” or “unassailable.”


Inspector General Horowitz is conducting an investigation which is NOT comprehensive because he can not go beyond the DOJ and FBI employees. The job of the IG is limited in its scope and reach. The fact that IG Horowitz can not establish intent is beside the point. He has undoubtedly been able to establish “complicity.”


Attorney General Barr is the top cop in the United States of America. When he determines to look into who, what, how, where, and when he can go wherever his leads take him. Add “why” to that list and there is every reason for knees to shake.


This “intent” business is a canard. Comey used it for Hilliary. Yesterday Mueller used it for signaling the House Democrats to bring on the impeachment process. Can we prove that Comey “intended” to give Hillary a pass or the Mueller intended to trip up the president? No. So we are all in the same boat with IG Horowitz if that is the only boat afloat.


I do not think that AG Barr is “impeded” in the least. He will accept the report of IG Horowitz and use it for what is useful and disregard the whole “intent” part. That is because the Grand Jury will weigh the intent and and indict accordingly. Grand Jurors do not have to play by the arcane rules of “civil-rights” regulatory mumbo-jumbo. In fact, the Grand Jury isn’t even informed of how the clockwork is constructed which guides the Inspector General. In-house DOJ rules are of no interest to the Grand Jury or the courtroom jury.


Attorney General Barr is free to charge his special investigators with establishing facts, theories and compiling evidence. AG Barr is completely free to step outside of the protective civil service cobweb and go straight for the truth. As in the case of both Comey and Mueller, “intent” is never decided by the prosecution. It is decided by the jury. If a case rests upon intent and is so weak on the evidence of intent, then it is a loser.


Example: (Washington Post): “the inspector general wrote there was ‘no evidence’ that Strzok and Page ‘attempted to circumvent’ the FBI’s data-retention policies.” That is purely a reference to “intent” which led to a “conclusion” by IG Horowitz. On the other hand, a jury would consider the multitude of condemning and biased e-mail between Strzok and Page and smell the “intent” in a nano-second. (With the exception of a dedicated hold-out who is bound and determined to torpedo the trial.)


Attorney General Barr is in the position to accept all manner of internal reports and blow them off as butt-protecting, inside the institution chaff. He is the most dangerous man in Washington. He knows the game, he knows the law, he knows a good DOJ and a good FBI as opposed to the current mess. He has nothing to lose and he has the will to obey the rule of law; even if it rattles the relationship between his wife and Mueller’s wife and their cooperative Bible study. That is to say, Attorney General Barr is not a bit concerned about the Old Boy’s Network.

Anonymous ID: 00ec03 May 30, 2019, 2:08 p.m. No.6630375   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0480 >>0677 >>0768 >>0800 >>0844

Analysis of IG report


The executive summary may contain soft language that concludes in a manner inconsistent with the main findings. Fine. That does not NEGATE the findings; it only serves the reader to know that someone in the reviewer/sign-off element is sympathetic to the targets of the investigation.


Facts are there. They may be prosecuted, the summary conclusion be damned. In fact, to the degree that the sympathetic protector signs off on targets with whom the protector has a conflict of interest, I would venture to say that the signer/protector sets himself up for a prosecutorial review as well. Maybe not RICO, but certainly there is a conflict and arguably more.


“Think about how easy it would be for a defense attorney representing one of the accused officials detailed in the IG report…. Take the IG report, which outlines the events for which the client is being prosecuted, and simply say: “the conclusion of the FBI investigation said “no evidence of intentional wrongdoing” so why is my client being charged?”


Is not the answer simple, “Your client is being charged because on further review of the evidence they did this, this, and this and are therefore guilty of the following crimes. In short, the summary report to not charge was an error because at A B and C are crimes, and because intent is not and we are, using the evidence available to prosecute. Because your client was not previously tried there is no double jeopardy. Even though intent is often not relevant to guilt or innocence, we find that there is great evidence of intent as well.


I suggest you defend your client against the charges brought by confronting the evidence, not by quoting a mistaken summary.”


think of the IG’s report as nothing more than an expert witness’ opinion on the ultimate issue. However, it must be remembered that the expert’s opinion is never dispositive! Fed. Rule 704.: Opinion on an Ultimate Issue

(a) In General — Not Automatically Objectionable. An opinion is not objectionable just because it embraces an ultimate issue.


Effectively, to have it any other way would be to have an IG acting as the ultimate arbiter without hearing all the evidence. This can never be or we would be truly done for as a country of laws. Furthermore, the exception to the rule, nails it down and IMHO is the reason the IG’s assessment cannot substitute for a criminal trial: (sorry Sundance, while I normally agree with you, not this time)


(b) Exception. In a criminal case, an expert witness must not state an opinion about whether the defendant did or did not have a mental state or condition that constitutes an element of the crime charged or of a defense. Those matters are for the trier of fact alone.

Anonymous ID: 00ec03 May 30, 2019, 2:11 p.m. No.6630402   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0416 >>0480 >>0677 >>0768 >>0780 >>0844

Bob Mueller did our country a great service yesterday with his seditious disservice


Mueller once again threw down the gauntlet yesterday. He’s a gutless hack, too cowardly to face real questions on the very real collusion, obstruction and conspiracy, either too afraid or too well paid off to take on what really happened in the 2016 election. He stood there yesterday claiming the American people should be concerned about foreign interference in our elections, knowing full well what Clinton and Obama did to interfere with the election. After 2016, we all better be most worried about how the Banana Republic Dems will interfere. They won’t be happy till we are under the iron fist of Hugo Chavez style elections.


On the other hand, Bob Mueller did our country a great service yesterday with his seditious disservice. More Americans woke up upon hearing we’re now living in a country where we’re guilty until proven innocent and then after 2 years of exhaustive investigations and NO evidence of guilt is found, we are convicted anyway. More woke up to see illegals have more rights than we do and the highest level of ‘justice’ purveyors side with them. More woke to see that Hillary Clinton’s evil and deliberate obstruction and spitting on the rule of law will forever be tolerated simply because she’s got a D behind her name.


We are awake, but it’s time for the Republican Party to make the next move. We can sit at websites and opine about what President Trump should and should not do, what Barr can and can’t do. Dear God in Heaven, we’ve chewed those bones into dust over the years and guess what? They keep coming for our throats and we keep trying to play umpteen dimensional chess and second guess what we can and can’t do and which documents should be dumped and which ones stay sealed.


Speaking of transparency so the American people can judge for ourselves, how about we get to see ALL the documents Mueller’s team gathered and poured over? He said his office was ‘closing’ yesterday. What does that mean? Office aides still need more time to shred, bleach bit and smash electronics? Who is still drawing a paycheck off this horrific miscarriage of justice known as “The Mueller Investigation”? Once the report went to Barr, the lights should have gone off and the door locked. What does he mean the office is ‘closing’?


While Rashida’s twin brother, Amash, and Mitt Romney are celebrating today, the true Republicans in Congress better call some emergency meetings and get some fires started. All the chit chat, digging deep as to who did what and when, what might happen, what should happen but can’t, all of it is meaningless unless the Republican Party lines up behind our President with bayonets fixed (as some former commenters here used to say).


It’s not about saving the Republican Party. It’s bigger than politics and pompous Congress people seeking attention on TV interviews, or which website is most conservative or which news channel has the best commentators. That’s all chatter and dust in the wind. It’s about saving our country. We’re being invaded by multiple forces on every side. They’ve opened several theaters of war against us. Our borders are under attack. The halls of Congress are now occupied by America haters. We can’t get a straight story no matter which TV news show we watch. But they are coming for us and they’ve already swallowed too many of our young people whole.


It’s up to the GOP leadership and individual Republicans around the country to stand up, say “Hell no!” and win this thing. Time for a whole lot more action and a lot less grand opinion peddling which recent history shows, doesn’t move the ball an inch..

Anonymous ID: 00ec03 May 30, 2019, 2:20 p.m. No.6630472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0556 >>0677 >>0768 >>0844

John Durham Needs To Investigate Why The Info Generating The Mueller Probe Is All Linked To Hillary Clinton


At a certain point, it can’t be mere coincidence that every major figure involved in probing Trump’s campaign is linked to Hillary Clinton in some manner.


U.S. sources to initiate or justify probes into Trump’s campaign. All the information Comey, Clapper, and Brennan used to justify investigating Trump was data linked to Clinton or Democrats in some manner. During a Fox News interview with Bill Hemmer, Barr explained that initiating a counterintelligence probe from the Steele dossier was “very unusual”:


HEMMER: Can you tell us about the Steele dossier and what role did it play?


BARR: Well that’s one of the questions that we’re going to have to look at, it is a very unusual situation to have opposition research like that, especially one that on its face had a number of clear mistakes and a somewhat jejune analysis. And to use that to conduct counterintelligence against an American political campaign… would be strange development.


I’m not sure what role it played but that is something we’re going to have to look at.


HEMMER: Do you smell a rat in this?


BARR: I don’t know if I’d describe it as a rat, I’d just say the answers I’m getting are not sufficient.


HEMMER: Republicans have said for months that these men — Just to follow up on that Republicans have said for months that these men: Brennan, Clapper maybe James Comey had it in for Trump. Do you think that’s true?


BARR: Again I’m not going to speculate about their motives.


Durham will no doubt investigate the intent behind these decisions, and the true reasons America’s intelligence agencies outsourced virtually all of the evidence against Trump.


At a certain point, it can’t be mere coincidence that every major figure involved in probing Trump’s campaign is linked to Hillary Clinton in some manner.



Worth reading full article.

Anonymous ID: 00ec03 May 30, 2019, 2:59 p.m. No.6630756   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0829

Is it me or has the air gone out of this whole impeachment deal??? Mueller gives a 9 minute speech Memorial week when no one is around. Schools are out, Congress is away, Trump heading to England, Barr in Alaska. People at work knew nothing about it. CNN did not give it round the clock coverage with the usual panel of Trump haters. No one cares. How do the Dems get any traction? The country’s mind is made up and people saw thru this charade. The NYT and WAPO don’t have the influence they used to. MSNBC and CNN have maybe 2 million viewers COMBINED IN PRIME TIME!!! Americans are getting better at seeing thru bull shat. The media can not lead us around like they did in the 1970s when Uncle Walter had 40 million viewers every nite. The Mockingbird Media is dead. Impotent. They cant manipulate us anymore because we can see the strings. There masks are off. They have exposed themselves with Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. The American people are far smarter than I thought. Nobody believes them anymore