Anonymous ID: 043f0e May 30, 2019, 2:43 p.m. No.6630647   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0677 >>0687 >>0768 >>0844

Happy Birthday to Tom Fitton


In honor of the president of Judicial Watch's birthday, i'd like to bring attention to a special report they released around my birthday.


In September of 2017 JW released a special report titled Exposing the Deepstate In it, they explain very clearly who and what is the deepstate, and what they are doing (suing) to expose it.


A really good read for normie frens or newfags. I find it a particularly fun read in hindsight, because we all knew this stuff, and the rest of the world seems to just now be scratching at the surface of this material.


Material covered in this report includes:

-EPA fuckery

-IRS fuckery

-Soros fuckery

  • MSM fuckery


And mucho moar in the report