Anonymous ID: b996a5 May 30, 2019, 2:45 p.m. No.6630670   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0686 >>0694



There is not much reward in watching M. Night Shyamalan's atrociously awful new film "Glass," the final installment in his "trilogy" of "superhero films" which began with "Unbreakable" almost 20 years ago and which includes the second installment "Split" (2016) about a super serial-killer.


One might wonder how a filmmaker that made "Sixth Sense," a flawless work of genius, has fallen so far. It's like he's not even the same filmmaker (and I wager he isn't – "The Sixth Sense" had the benefit of many hands which weren't Shyamalan's own).


But the film's flaws aren't what I'm interested in here. I'm interested in the real reason the studios (Disney) rushed this terribly written, student-film-quality movie into production. Could one of those reasons be their need to quickly telegraph certain codes to their own Satanic members?


Below I make some connections between the film "Glass" and Satanic believes, but also speculate about what might be a couple of real-world warnings of The Cabal's plans. (Some spoilers ahead, for those who care).


Shyamalan’s movies are, ALL loaded with Satanic symbolism. Shyamalan is a Satanist himself. I’ve noticed these people allude to their cult’s beliefs in interviews, disguised as philosophical discussions or jokes. (see Shyamalan’s interview with Stephen Colbert ).


Note the hieroglyphics behind Samuel Jackson in “Unbreakable,” just one of countless Satanic allusions in Shyamalan’s films.


Moving on to “Glass” itself, these are some of the direct Satanic references:


*** The underlying theme of the movie is that there is an extreme of good (represented by Willis’s superhero character David Dunn), an extreme of evil (represented by McAvoy’s serial-killer character) and an “Architect” or prophet (represented by Samuel Jackson’s “Mr Glass”), who will ensure that the extremes of dark and light meet and be extinguished, bringing the universe into balance. Compare to the Satanic belief in "duality."


*** Superheroes are themselves a favorite symbol for the Satanic Elite as they see themselves as superheroes, probably because they have been promised all the newest technologies and genetic “improvements” after the Armageddon.


*** The Mr Glass character (first name Isaiah, a prophet of the Bible) is portrayed as a genius and prophet who is perfectly willing to murder thousands (millions) for the advancement of mankind. The Satanic Elites have convinced themselves that their “evil” murder, enslavement and depopulation of “useless eaters” is for the betterment of everyone. Notice that Thanos character in Avengers Infinity War also espouses the same philosophy.


*** That McAvoy’s character consists of multiple-personalities is also a meditation of our dualistic selves, though note that the primary “alternate” within McAvoy’s character is NOT so coincidentally called THE BEAST (aka Satan himself).


*** The film is produced by (Shyaman’s?) production company A PERFECT WORLD PICTURES. The concept of “A Perfect World” is itself a Satanic concept, based on the idea that only through the Luciferian agenda of depopulation and enslavement of the animal-men can the world survive and become a better place (for the benefit of the Elite Satanists, of course).


*** The logo for the film’s production company, Blinding Edge, is obviously Satanic.


*** McAvoy’s multiple-personality character often refers to “stepping into the light,” a Satanic reference to “Lucifer the Light Bringer,” and the Satanic concept of “enlightenment” which is supposed to separate the Elites from animal-men, as the Elites learn to control their “illuminated minds” giving them superior powers over the rest of mankind.


*** The reference to “animal-man” in the movie is a Satanic concept that undeserving “man” is just an animal, versus the illuminated man, who should rule over the rest of us (i.e.,

the “Elites”).


*** When watching this really bad movie for the first and only time, there is a scene where Mr Glass leaves a note for the character Ellie. I had to freeze the DVD because when I first saw the note I thought it said, “ELITE.” And I’m actually convinced that it does say “ELITE,” as the name Ellie is written in such a way that it can be read either way. I saw this connection before it’s revealed later that… ELLIE IS PART OF A SECRET SOCIETY OF ELITES WHO ARE IN CHARGE OF KEEPING ORDER IN THE WORLD. Sound familiar?


Cont'd in next post…

Anonymous ID: b996a5 May 30, 2019, 2:46 p.m. No.6630686   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0716 >>0764 >>0778





A few strange symbols that unsettled me, especially given the President’s attendance in Japan, particularly the G20 summit in Osaka in June.


*** There are multiple references to a non-existent American skyscraper, known as Osaka Tower. I noted the way it was pictured made it almost look like “twin towers.” There is no Osaka Tower in America that I know of. There was a radio/TV broadcasting tower in Osaka Japan that was demolished in 2009. And there is an Osaka Tower container ship in the Middle East. Pictured is a magazine cover from the movie, which shows the tower and also gives some winks to the Satanic messenger Jimmy Kimmel, but also underlines the connection to other superhero movies like Avengers Infinity War by using the word “Marvel.”


*** One strange aspect of the final sequence stood out for me, where faceless police officer kills The Beast and David Dunn. For some reason Shyamalan focuses on the tattoo on officer's wrist, which at first I thought was a 3-leaf clover. There’s no explanation of what the tattoo/symbol represents. I couldn’t find in my research what Shyamalan intended us to take from this symbol, and I don’t really care, because I wouldn’t take Shyamalan’s explanation at face value anyway. Looking at a close-up of the tattoo, I wondered if it looked more like the “radiation hazard” symbol. While the exact origins for the radiation symbol are actually a mystery (always a bad indication that something else is up), some believe the symbol takes after the Japanese battle flag, which has a circle representing the sun in the middle with rays radiating out from it, because, "after all, [the radiation warning symbol] came along within a couple of years of WWII".

Anonymous ID: b996a5 May 30, 2019, 3:02 p.m. No.6630778   🗄️.is 🔗kun



If it's not a radiation symbol, it might be a reference to The Trinity, a very important concept to the Satanists.


In the movie glass, the balance is brought about by the Elites (1. the sniper-cop) with the balancing of extreme good (2. Dunn) and extreme evil (3. The Beast).


The sun rising between the two pillars might be a "trinity symbol" too.

Anonymous ID: b996a5 May 30, 2019, 3:04 p.m. No.6630799   🗄️.is 🔗kun



You obviously don't yet understand how The Cabal works.


They're all actors. They pretend to be one thing, in order to deceive you about their real intentions.


Symbolism throughout Shyamalan's movies demonstrate that he's Satanic.


And [Disney] finances his crappy movies, including GLASS.