Anonymous ID: fc594c May 30, 2019, 1:45 p.m. No.6630153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0195 >>0653

>>6629880 (lb)

I don't like lists even when they contain belligerent people to be used as you imply.



let me give some conjecture:


because you are belligerent (seemingly) and very blunt and quick with speculative conjecture and . . .


drum roll


you are very quick witted and with speculative conjecture rolling on your golden shores (of your inner self) like a constant ocean of insight but NOT because of just that (that is not a reason) it's because you share it

you share your brillient conjectorial insight as if it's known to be true (while it's very 'truthy' it's got a lot of falseness and assumptions that are sketch to most people)

you share it not just for insight but in a combative way as if anyone who might listen is 'one of them' when, in fact, we had to train ourselves to not be like you because we were once that way too (I am guessing many of us were) like in 8th grade with maybe a drug induced (lsd) relapse about 21,


you share your brilliant far fetched conjecture as if it is truth and in a very mean and combative way.

It's such a fucking cry for help.

you need to turn inward and face the fear that you project, because it comes from within.


It's ok to have the far fetched conjecture, but you don't have to use it as an emotional weapon. Awareness isn't a bat that you can beat people up with, or it shouldn't be.


so that's it, you take the big foam bat of conjectural speculation and beat people over the head with it.

control freaks conflate your intellectual battle with a real battle and they say 'watch this one.'


My suggestion: still have all that crazy thought, but realize that most of it isn't probably true, but are possible scenarios.


using nightmare logic you chose the one that has the least amount of hatred and blood and hurt, and you present that as the most plausible. Most people are almost psychic and will give you that outcome.


it's like this: if you get upset about people driving slow in front of you in traffic they 'pick up ' on your annoyance through your tail gating, and many will try and 'teach you a lesson' by being even more of a road block than they would be anyway.


you are a threat if you think 'they must think I'm a threat' only in the sense that they are being diligent.

and they play the bad ass because you're being bad ass.

you don't let them be nice to you.

you accuse them at every turn.


now all of that was conjecture. What you really are how the hell would I know.


get over your self you are not the most 'angry young man' ever, just one of many.

if you aren't just a trolling attempt.

Anonymous ID: fc594c May 30, 2019, 2:02 p.m. No.6630321   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0333


I had that happen in a dream, but it turned out to be a next-generation bubble house derigible chain and kind of verification for some ideas I'd been fictioning. IThen I woke up. They were like the blimps you see over ball games, only they were set up as solar panal arrays and linked in giant trains and people lived and travelled in them.

then I woke up.

They were a pie in the sky.


I'm sorry if pepole are constantly fucking with you. I had to deal with that for a long time too. It was called junior high school

Anonymous ID: fc594c May 30, 2019, 2:13 p.m. No.6630423   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It is possible the the moon placement gives us an exact time of day, month, and probable year. the moon goes in 18 year cycles in that regard. Moon runs high/low on the eclyptic as well as moves along the horizon at moon rise on a full moon from month to month. If that's an astronomically correct rendering.

Anonymous ID: fc594c May 30, 2019, 2:47 p.m. No.6630689   🗄️.is 🔗kun


thank you, and I even edited that one a little and took out some other details that may show up some day. Jealous? you shouldn't be. you have a talent in reusing old memes to badger people. Everyone does something well. Others do many things well.