Anonymous ID: 18ec7a May 30, 2019, 4:34 p.m. No.6631469   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1499

California TeachAnon here: Today I had a true taste of “Clown World”.


There’s a group known as the “Brown Berets”—which advertises itself as a Chicano group advocates for illegal immigration, often with extreme militancy.


The logo and style of its members mirrors the aggressive tactics of the Black Panthers. Here’s a link to the Wikipedia to give you a general impression:


I was caught wearing a red MAGA hat while walking off campus by one of the members and ever since my place of employment have been under constant bombardment (phone calls, harassing emails, etc).


The group leader for the area advertises themselves as “Undocumented and Unafraid”…which is beyond reason. To think that a non-citizen could harass an American citizen to bend the knee and disavow or remove a hat from my head by-virtue of the fact that they’re offended blows my mind…


Sorry, wasn’t sure where to go other than to express this to the board. Advice is appreciated.


TL;DR: Mexican American teacher here, wore a MAGA hat seen by a parent/Bronw Beret member, now this group is trying to get me fired by harassing my school site.


honk honk

Clown World.

