Anonymous ID: ba0d5b May 30, 2019, 4:33 p.m. No.6631460   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1582


what crimes do you alledge, accuser?

jus trollin' too


do you think that the sexual preferences of pervert politicians should determine who should or should not succeed in politics? Cause you trolled a face that is one that we hear was once faced around in Sacremento.


you think government should be sick self-dealing assholes? just tollin', for a friend.


I feel that democrats do not believe in Democracy. They usually get in power and then steel subsequent elections.


Are you one of them?


If anything happens to Trump then it will be like that old game 'mousetrap' when you took the last piece out . . . and springggg

everything gives a great big show, game over, you loose.


game over, you loose.

Trump is not the movement. He's one of the important fronts. You will not win, you lose.


just trollin', for a fren


Donald Trump 2020!~