Anonymous ID: e8a737 May 30, 2019, 4:26 p.m. No.6631393   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6630134 (PB)

All by “design”. Also why they have “Vanity Sizing” in clothing. A size 10 is no longer a 10, fits like a 12+ now. People can’t consume enough of this garbage AND are MADE to feel good, even 'proud' about being obese.


On another topic, they’re still chipping away, piece by piece:

Ill. House Passes Bill Requiring Gun Owners To Be Fingerprinted

OAN Newsroom

The Illinois House has narrowly passed a bill requiring gun owners to get fingerprinted as part of their owner ID cards. The measure passed Wednesday despite strong opposition from state Republicans, who called it a “total and complete infringement on the Second Amendment.”


“…Well, maybe you should think about these constitutional issues before you start filing these kinds of bills,” stated Illinois Republican Representative Deanne Mazzochi.

This comes after a mass shooting in Aurora back in February. It was later discovered the shooter was able to obtain a firearm ID card despite having a criminal history that should have stopped him from receiving one.