Anonymous ID: b62ef6 May 30, 2019, 5:16 p.m. No.6631862   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1884 >>1909


New Anons


Which Group Actively Subverts the US Constitution To Make It Illegal To Criticize Israel?


  1. Israel

  2. American Dual Shitizen Zionist Paid Politician Israel-First Traitors

  3. American Corrupt Paid Judges

  4. The Israel Lobby: AIPAC, ADL, JDL, SPLC

  5. (((Z))) Owned Fake News MSM

  6. Foreign (((Z))) Israeli Shills posting here

Anonymous ID: b62ef6 May 30, 2019, 5:48 p.m. No.6632153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2176 >>2403


The Fake term "MuhJoo shill" is ONLY used by Zionist Shills


>*The Fake term "muhjoo" shills is actually made up by Zionist Shills in a failing attempt to Censor the Truth about Organized Zionist Criminal Activities against the American people


If you criticize the Italian Mafia or the Japanese Yakuza you will not be mocked as a shill, but any Exposure of Jewish Zionist Organized Crime, you will be demeaned as a "shill". That's like if you want to protect your 5 yr. old from a Pedo, and other Pedos call you a "muhpedo shill".


Desperately trying to Dehumanize any Patriot anon who exposes the Khazarian Zionist Organized Criminal Activities that have harmed Americans, by constantly calling Patriotanons "muhjoo shills" or "spam bots".


The "muhjoo shill" Inversion Trick are like those Jews who paint Swastikas on Synagogues, houses, and dorms. The world is aware of your Victim tricks to frame Goyim.


*Their Other Trick is to pretend that if you show Evidence of Zionist ORGANIZED CRIME against Americans, you're accusing "all Jews", and they post a contrived Fake defense that "not all 8 million Jews are bad" - which No Thinking Anon accuses them of. This is a Professional Jewish Victim slide to divert your attention away from the Zionist Criminal Networks who have committed egregious Crimes against Humanity.


*Look who is always telling Anons what to do: they even "make a List" and tell you who they want you to "Filter": all the anons who focus on the toxic Zionist Cabal Subversion of our country and their Crimes.


Zionist Shills hate Americans.


Who Did 9/11 - Official Truth is Coming


Say shalom to your buddies, the 5 Dancing Israelis.