Anonymous ID: b8c208 May 30, 2019, 5:01 p.m. No.6631734   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1836

>>6629812 lb

there's always a grain or two of truth in jokes. i think we can all agree. so in essence you were speaking your truth to me, thus calling me an asshole.


if someone asks for advice or help, i would not begrudge you your opinions. noone is asking for jesus info here. when you offer advice when it is unwanted it is rude, obnoxious, arrogant and most of all disrespectful.

idk how many of you engaged in this thread, but you are all being this way, by insisting that your beliefs are the only ones worth having. i don't want to regurgitate all the shit you and they all said, so suffice it to say i find this attitude offensive, to think that it's your way or the highway is not acceptable. perhaps if all of you and your like would back off you would be losing worshipers by the droves. your church and jesus are going down the toilet bowl of society at the moment, in case you haven't notice. people are walking out of church and slamming the door behind them, locking it and throwing away the key. if i were you, i would question my methods of trying to welcome people into the fold. it's like a first date in high school with a horny freak of nature who is trying to slobber on you and trying to wrap himself around you like a freaking octopus. it repulses people. it drives people away. the result is opposite of what you are striving for… least that is what is happening here. the only people you are drawing are the weak minded, the twisted who want to be forgiven for appalling behavior and the young and innocent who are brainwashed since birth. the latter i mentioned because i knew one personally. when she was little she had nightmares of her father being crucified, stayed in the church and it became central to her life and she ended up marrying someone who (imo) is either gay or a pedo. same age as my son and my heart breaks for this young girl. my personal experience is with the moonies who when i was a young teen tried to recruit me and ended up at my door terrifying me. they only left after my father basically was about to kick their skinny korean flat asses. they were very persistent and relentless, like you jesus people. i'm not saying there is no merit to religion for some people and those people will come on their own because they want to or need to. i and many others who express disdain for these tactics are not being heard, we are being judged repeatedly. so to sum this shit up: back off and shut up occasionally because this board is not the place for this. find people who are like minded and have a jesus circle jerk and knock yourselves out

Anonymous ID: b8c208 May 30, 2019, 5:25 p.m. No.6631949   🗄️.is 🔗kun


actually, no i don't understand, but i'm done with this belabored topic.

my life is perfectly fine without religion because i have my god in my life and i pray from my mouth to his ear and that's all i want or need

no offense taken