Anonymous ID: dbdc0c May 30, 2019, 5:11 p.m. No.6631830   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1853

President Trump Hits Mexico With 5% Tariffs Over Record Illegal Immigrants at US Southern Border


President Trump on Thursday evening announced that a 5% tariff will be imposed on all Mexican imports beginning June 10th and will gradually increase until the illegal immigration stops.

Anonymous ID: dbdc0c May 30, 2019, 5:15 p.m. No.6631855   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1959 >>2358 >>2364 >>2430

Six Explosions Rip Through Iraq's Oil City Of Kirkuk In Terror Attack


A series of explosions have rocked the oil-rich northern Iraq city of Kirkuk, which lies 150 miles north of Baghdad in a disputed region which Iraqi Kurdistan leaders have jostled with the national government for control over.


On Thursday evening half a dozen or more explosions ripped across a central avenue, leaving at least five people dead and a dozen or more wounded, according to unconfirmed early conflicting reports. Some reports have cited as many as six or more among the dead what may have numbered eight total explosions.


Dramatic footage captured the moment of one of the bombs being detonated on a busy street during the heart of the evening in an area known as a popular commercial hub filled with cafes and malls.

Anonymous ID: dbdc0c May 30, 2019, 5:17 p.m. No.6631870   🗄️.is 🔗kun

False Flag Watch: John Bolton Lands In UAE As US-Manufactured Tensions With Iran Increase


US mine warfare drill weeks before UAE attack.

Anonymous ID: dbdc0c May 30, 2019, 5:20 p.m. No.6631899   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Direct Democracy Is the Future of Human Governance – Part 2


War is not a foregone conclusion or a national necessity. Each successive occupant of the White House only needs you to believe that in order to centralize the power of an increasingly imperial presidency, stifle dissent, and chip away at what remains of civil liberties.


– Danny Sjursen, retired US Army officer, The Pence Prophecy: VP Predicts Perpetual War at the West Point Graduation


Whenever I mention direct democracy, a certain segment of the population always comes back with a very negative knee-jerk reaction. Since this response tends to center around several concerns, today’s post will dig into them and explain how such pitfalls can be structurally addressed.


Minority Protection


The first thing that worries people is a fear there will be no protections for minority populations within such a system. Take the U.S. for example, where approximately 80% of the population lives in urban areas and only 20% in rural. If we moved to a system where direct popular vote played a meaningful role in deciding the majority of issues, rural populations would lose out every single time. It would end up being an oppressive system for people who live in less populated areas and would tear up the U.S. even faster than is happening now.


I definitely think this sort of thing is a problem, but people misunderstand what I mean when I discuss direct democracy. Fundamentally, I’m a firm believer that governance should be radically decentralized compared to what it is today. America is a great example of a good idea gone completely off the tracks.

Anonymous ID: dbdc0c May 30, 2019, 5:23 p.m. No.6631929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1959 >>2358 >>2364 >>2430

White House starts clock on approval for new NAFTA


The White House on Thursday formally notified Congress that it is starting the approval process for President Trump’s revision of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), triggering a showdown with congressional Democrats over Trump’s signature trade agreement.


The decision is designed to put pressure on House Democrats, who have objections to the revised trade pact and have reportedly warned the White House not to begin the formal process of submitting it to Congress.


“Canada and Mexico have formally initiated their ratification processes. It is time for the United States to uphold our end of the bargain with our key allies and neighbors and do the same,” U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer wrote in a letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)


The White House sent a draft statement of administrative action to lawmakers, a necessary step for the new NAFTA to be considered on a fast-track basis.


That kicks off a minimum 30-day period before the implementing legislation would be sent to Congress, though it is possible the White House could further delay introducing the legislation to provide more time for negotiations.


Filing the report with Congress, however, was intended to send a signal to Democrats that the White House will not accept a long delay.


“Today’s action is all about moving forward on an agreement that we know is a win,” Vice President Mike Pence said Thursday during a meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Ottawa.


Pence reiterated the administration wants Congress to pass the agreement by “this summer.”


The move inflamed tensions with Democrats who say they need more time to review the agreement and consider changes. Pelosi said the decision “is not a positive step” and “indicates a lack of knowledge on the part of the administration on the policy and process to pass a trade agreement.”


“We have been on a path to yes, but it must be a path that leads to an agreement that delivers positive results for American workers and farmers,” she said in a statement.

Anonymous ID: dbdc0c May 30, 2019, 5:26 p.m. No.6631963   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why are Zionists Backing Brexit?


Last Sunday, Brabantian wrote about the Zionist billionaires funding

Nigel Farage. I asked him to explore the reasons why.


Zionism (Trump, Netanyahu) is Cabalist (Satanic) Jewish imperialism by the nationalist route. Communism (Biden, Soros, Justine Castro) is Cabalist Jewish imperialism by the globalist route.


Brabantian explores the reasons the British elite might favor the former.


by Brabantian


As the George-Soros-tied globalist camp dominates Western media, we tend to think that the 'establishment' always prefers the globalist-type programme, such as Britain's membership in the European Union, as part of the road to one world government.


And given Theresa May's horrid, betrayal in sabotaging the Brexit that was supposedly set in stone to take place on 29 March 2019, it's understandable to assume Brexit is what the establishment doesn't want.


But let me take you back to the earliest tip-off that Brexit was secretly the long-term goal of at least a major sector of the British establishment.


The Brexit vote took place on Thursday, 23 June 2016, and next day the world woke up to a 52 to 48 per cent victory for Brexit.


But in the weeks before Brexit, with UK airwaves full of debate, one grand sign told us that the UK establishment was secretly angling for a pro-Brexit vote.

Anonymous ID: dbdc0c May 30, 2019, 5:41 p.m. No.6632081   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2118 >>2137

Do we have a lawfag who can dig into what powers have been usurped from the president???


I suspect power is not completely in POTUS's hands this is why he passed declas to Barr

Anonymous ID: dbdc0c May 30, 2019, 5:44 p.m. No.6632121   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2358 >>2364 >>2430

Show us the proof???


Pompeo: Iran Attacked Oil Tankers in Gulf to Raise Crude Oil Prices


On Thursday, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo claimed that the apparent attacks on four oil tankers located off the coast of the UAE’s Fujairah earlier this month were "efforts by Iranians to raise the price of crude oil around the world."


On May 12, four oil tankers — two Saudi, one Norwegian and one Emirati — were damaged while in the UAE's exclusive economic zone in the Gulf of Oman. The US is calling the damage sabotage.


"These were efforts by the Iranians to raise the price of crude oil throughout the world," Pompeo told reporters before leaving for a trip to Europe, Reuters reported.


Pompeo last week told CNBC that the Trump administration has taken measures to ensure that oil prices don't spike as the US tries to bring Iran's crude exports to zero.


Speaking Wednesday in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, US National Security Adviser John Bolton also accused Iran of attacking the tankers.


"It's clear that Iran is behind the Fujairah attack. Who else would you think would be doing it? Someone from Nepal?" Bolton told journalists at a press briefing at the US Embassy in Abu Dhabi. One day later, Bolton stated that evidence that Iran committed the attacks would be presented to the United Nations Security Council next week.


Since US President Donald Trump took office, the US has announced a variety of sanctions against Iran, lately targeting the country's oil industry in an effort to completely block Iran from exporting oil. The Trump administration also withdrew from the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), more commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal.

Anonymous ID: dbdc0c May 30, 2019, 5:54 p.m. No.6632216   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I should have been more thorough I believe parts of the constitution have been suspended and powers have been handed to intel agencies and pentagon officials.


Case and point is when Trump tried to withdraw from Syria, (((they))) didn't allow it.


What you said is largely on point IMO but not really what I was getting at