YEP! Alpha=beginning
Omega= end
They almost had us.
Game tells the TRUTH!
Awesome, huh?
YEP! Alpha=beginning
Omega= end
They almost had us.
Game tells the TRUTH!
Awesome, huh?
Repost (cuz I'm an idiot and didn't rspond to the right person.
The previous games in this series had the OMEGA on the cover.
New game will have the Omega MIRRORED- it's Q!!!
Not a gamer but figured it'd rsonate with the normie's.
PROOF they almost had us!
[YEP! Alpha=beginning
Omega= end
They almost had us.
Game tells the TRUTH!]
Remove? Take this one too.
They'd lost control of their secrets with the internet of things.
They don't want the competition anyways.
Just enough to 'serve' (((them)))
GREAT days indeed!