From an autist as a public service to this community: Use your brains.
Why are we here?
It is highly likely that Q is in fact comprised of individuals working in the White House, Department of Defense, and Intelligence Agencies. You should know why this is true at this point and if you are uncertain about that, your purpose here is simply to expand reach.
Q is not here to give us crumbs so that we can solve Nazi Conspiracies for the President or the Public. Q is not here to provide us with crumbs to solve much of anything. The truth about most of the conspiracies is known to the White House, Department of Defense, and Intelligence Agencies. This information which proves these things are true is classified. Q cannot provide us with classified information. It is illegal. It is a felony to do so. It would compromise any future prosecution. If any piece of Q information is directly stated and would necessarily be classified, it is false disinformation by design. The juicy exciting drops that get people hyped up expand the reach and help condition the public for big official truth drops.
Don't fret though, we're not all just conscripted into a big psyop propaganda campaign. The Q drops that reference particular targets that have a lot of information in the public domain are real. Q puts us over targets with abstract socratic statements. We have 1000s of eyes and many of them are willing to investigate the less exciting things and we start these investigations assuming particular conspiracies are true. We provide useful research leads for parallel construction. Most of our ideas are wrong or dead ends, but it takes very little effort to generate and assess our leads if you already know the truth. If you want to be as helpful as possible, get yourself a pacer account. Learn how to read foundation tax returns. Learn how to use public data repositories like property tax records. Foia records and social network connections. Pictures from charity events. Wikileaks data bases. Draw connections that look suspicious using facts that do not depend on particular interpretations of Q drops to be true. Ask yourself, could this connection be used in a court of law? The Q drops give us targets. Future news proves past drops support the validity of these targets.
Make memes that focus on general redpilling and making people open to the possibility. Don't make narrow predictions that depend on events happening on a particular timetable.
Generate memes that embarrass, ridicule and discredit the likely public agents of the coverup/suppression. We killed it on Adam Schiff, Maxine Waters, and Podesta.
Q drops fall into 4 categories.
Information that helps us identify targets for parallel construction.
Create hype to expand reach for general conditioning.
Create anxiety and descent among the perpetrators of abuse of power and corruption.
Random noise.
We have a role in something big. Ask yourself if you should be investigating Nazi Ufos you heard about on the history channel or Clinton Foundation connections to Haiti and the Red Cross.
There are some plausible alternative ideas that explain Q, so make your own decision.
Finally, the presence of all of the anti-Q shills is evidence of Q legitimacy. There is no point for individuals to invest their time in convincing people they are wasting their time on a larp unless they are getting paid or are algorithmic.