In a general sense, it's a fair question to ask. Any number of people could/should have been given a perp-walk, but instead vacation and laugh in our faces.
Each week is supposed to bring big news, but then it passes, and the current week is supposed to bring the boom. Anyone know a CONCRETE date for the IG's report? We are told that Sessions etc., can't move until it drops or it will look like political retribution. When is do to drop? The globablists have never had any qualms about playing hardball…look at the shit Eric Holder has gotten away with. Contempt of Congress on top of it, and he's still twatting away freely denigrating President Trump.
At some point this automatic need to defend against anyone's concerns reminds me of the movie Taps, with Tom Cruise/Sean Penn/Timothy Hutton/George C. Scott etc.
First they take over their military academy with the right intentions, but as things start to get dicey, the 'leaders' do not permit any questioning of the plan. Movie below.
We are running the risk of turning into Jonestown w/ Q-team being Rev. Jim Jones. I've been on board since November/December, I've paid a huge price in my personal life, so I have every right to offer up this cautionary tale.
What do I think by Q's 'We went to deep'? Here's what I think. It was posted shortly after the one about Israel and it started a clusterfuck of dickheads with their Jew-hatred and that one prick's endless run of 'Not all Jews are bad' memes. Memes the BO took out and placed in its own thread but dickhead, selfish prick that he is, continues to come back to the regular breadd to pelican shit some more.
There are obviously many people chomping at the bit to attack Jews (or others). I have never seen one post by Q or twat by Trump that implies that sentiment. Therefore, its purpose here is not helpful, and in my opinion, is solely meant to divide and keep us from doing quality research.
I'm off to do much needed errands…a rare moment I am not at work. Therefore I won't see your blowback posts, but I expect there to be many. Why, because (I'm afraid) as we turn into The Lord of the Flies, all that's left is turning against each other…even for simply suggesting all is not well in Denmark.
Again, I suggest Taps for those here who mean well and who haven't seen it. It's a decent movie and it conveys what I fear I'm witnessing is happening on this board.