So let me see how much of this puzzle I have put together. Please let me know what I left out.
Clinton's, Bush's, Obama's, and possibly every President since JFK has been a part or working on behalf of the cabal.
Close evil connections include people like Dick Cheney, Valerie Garrett, Podestas, Huma Abedin, John McCain, Nancy Pelosi, George Soros, Rothschilds, Alaweed bin Talaal, Rockefellers.
These people and their close connections worship Satan, and they have participated and possibly are the result of Satanic occult activities i.e. Spirit Cooking, Satanic Ritual Abuse, Human Sacrifice.
The Vatican and Satanic Zionists/Wahhabists seem to be running the show. They favor certain bloodlines, intermarry, and hide true origins, in order to make it tougher for society to research geneology. Not sure why the CIA would release the following.
Other nations such as Great Britain, Austrailia Germany, as well as many others are also led by many cabal members. The central banking system is also run by this same cabal.
Every war since WW1 and possibly earlier were the direct result of the cabal's activities/planning.
Nazi's did not totally lose WW2. But much like the CIA's operations Paperclip, MKUltra, and Mockingbird, their operations just moved further underground [to the US (CIA) and South America].
The CIA/FBI/Jesuits/Mossad are at the center of most global mass casualty events. These groups also run most MSM organizations (through organizations like Gannett and direct ops) and Social Media companies (through ownership and censorship). They have new advanced warfare we have never seen before, and they control "innocents."
We, the people, are literally a human resource to the cabal. We are modern day slaves and totally blind, for the most part.