Anonymous ID: 039116 May 30, 2019, 6:48 p.m. No.6632725   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2757


stfu faggot. Everytime i see ur gay ass mossad posts, it makes me want to keep posting the truth. I cant believe u morans think that shit will work on the chans…. so here’s some truth for ya pasta’d below. Think I’m lying? Watch the video and see men going into a synagogue and reading the satanic perversions for themselves straight from the synagogue library.


The Talmud is the rabbinical authoritative text used in judaism today. The Talmud is based on the oral traditions of the Pharisees. The same Pharisees Christ called the sons of Satam because they were subverting the religion of Moses with the oral traditions of men.



  1. Sanhedrin 59a: “Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal.”

  2. Abodah Zara 26b: “Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed.”

  3. Sanhedrin 59a: “A goy (Gentile) who pries into The Law (Talmud) is guilty of death.”

  4. Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

  1. Libbre David 37: “If a Jew be called upon to explain any part of the rabbinic books, he ought to give only a false

explanation. Who ever will violate this order shall be put to death.”

  1. Yebhamoth 11b: “Sexual intercourse with a little girl is permitted if she is three years of age.”

  2. Schabouth Hag. 6d: “Jews may swear falsely by use of subterfuge wording.”

  3. Hilkkoth Akum X1: “Do not save Goyim in danger of death.”

  4. Hilkkoth Akum X1: “Show no mercy to the Goyim.”

  5. Choschen Hamm 388, 15: “If it can be proven that someone has given the money of Israelites to the Goyim, a way must be

found after prudent consideration to wipe him off the face of the earth.”

  1. Choschen Hamm 266,1: “A Jew may keep anything he finds which belongs to the Akum (Gentile). For he who returns lost

property (to Gentiles) sins against the Law by increasing the power of the transgressors of the Law. It is praiseworthy,

however, to return lost property if it is done to honor the name of God, namely, if by so doing, Christians will praise the

Jews and look upon them as honorable people.”

  1. Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17: “A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books

contain anything against them.”

  1. Baba Necia 114, 6: “The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts.”

  2. Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: “When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves.”

  3. Nidrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L: “Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by

beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night.”

  1. Aboda Sarah 37a: “A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated.”

  2. Gad. Shas. 2:2: “A Jew may violate but not marry a non-Jewish girl.”

  3. Tosefta. Aboda Zara B, 5: “If a goy kills a goy or a Jew, he is responsible; but if a Jew kills a goy, he is NOT


  1. Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 388: “It is permitted to kill a Jewish denunciator everywhere. It is permitted to

kill him even before he denounces.”

  1. Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348: “All property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which,

consequently, is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples.”

  1. Tosefta, Abda Zara VIII, 5: “How to interpret the word ‘robbery.’ A goy is forbidden to steal, rob, or take women

slaves, etc., from a goy or from a Jew. But a Jew is NOT forbidden to do all this to a goy.”

  1. Seph. Jp., 92, 1: “God has given the Jews power over the possessions and blood of all nations.”

  2. Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 156: “When a Jew has a Gentile in his clutches, another Jew may go to the same

Gentile, lend him money and in turn deceive him, so that the Gentile shall be ruined. For the property of a Gentile,

according to our law, belongs to no one, and the first Jew that passes has full right to seize it.”

  1. Nedarim 23b: “He who desires that none of his vows made during the year be valid, let him stand at the beginning of the

year and declare, ‘Every vow which I may make in the future shall be null’. His vows are then invalid.”

Anonymous ID: 039116 May 30, 2019, 6:55 p.m. No.6632801   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2817


cool gif.


Do u like this text? It’s biblical.



Part 1

Please review the verses yourself but I've offered a quick description next to the corresponding verses.

Titus 1:10-11 - The Jews are unruly, vein and deceptive - and their mouths must be stopped because they subvert entire houses, teaching filthy things.

Matthew 3:7 - Jesus calls the jews from the generation of vipers.

Matthew 9:34 - The Jews claim Jesus cast out devils by the using devil (of course we know that claim is illogical)

Matthew 12:2 - Jews accuse Jesus of doing unlawful acts on the sabbath

Matthew 12:4 - Jews got together to conceive a plan of how they might destroy Jesus

Matthew 12:24 - Jews again accuse Jesus of being from the devil

Matthew 15:3-12 - Jesus tells the Jews their traditions of men transgresses against the God of Moses. Jesus proclaims the Jews have made the commandment of God null and void because of their oral traditions (Talmud) - the Jews were offended by this.

Matthew 16:1 - The Jews tempted Jesus

Matthew 16:6 - Jesus warns the people about the corruption of the Jews.

Matthew 16:11-12 - He specifies that his leaven parable refers to the doctrine of the Jews

Matthew 19:3 - The Jews further tempt Jesus with loaded questions.

Matthew 21:31-46 - Jesus tells the Jews that the drunks and whores will be in the Kingdom of God before they will. Jesus then explains the parable of the owner of a vinyard, whos lent his property out to husbandmen, but when the property owner sent his servants, the husbandmen beat them, over and over. So the owner sent his son and they killed him to steal his inheritance… and Jesus asks the Jews, what do u think the Owner will do to the husbandmen when he returns? The Jews knew Jesus was talking about them being false shepherds and turning their backs to God. They were butt hurt but they knew if they laid hands upon him, the multitude would revolt because they saw Jesus as a prophet.

Matthew 22:15 - The Jews, again, conspired on how they could entangle Jesus in his talk.

Matthew 23:13-15 - Jesus says the Jews are hypocrites and will receive the greater damnation because they lead people away from heaven, mistreat humanity, and exploit religion… and Jesus says the Jews go to far extents to make more Jews, which are ultimately twice the child of hell as the original Jew.

Matthew 23:23 - Jesus calls the Jews hypocrites because they adhere to the oral traditions of men (talmud) and do not adhere to the original Moses commandments (Old Testament).

Matthew 23:25 - Jesus calls the Jews hypocrites for outwardly appearing Holy but internally they are of the devil.

Matthew 23:27 - Jesus calls the Jews hypocrites and compares them to a gravesite - where the memorial stone and site appear lovely but under the surface, is decaying dead man’s bones.

Matthew 23:29 - Jesus calls the Jews hypocrites again…. (seeing a pattern??)

Mark 3:6 - The Jews conspired to destroy Jesus

Luke 11:42-44 - Warns the Jews that they are hypocrites and use the guise of Holy to hide their devilish and disgusting acts.

Luke 12:1 - Jesus warns his disciples and multitude to beware of the hypocrisy of the Jews.

Luke 13:31 - Jews tell Jesus to leave or he will be killed.

John 11:57 - The chief priests and the Jews put out a bounty on Jesus and told the people to turn him in.

John 12:42 - Many people believed in Jesus but due to fear of the Jews - they did not confess it.

John 18:3 - Judas, with the chief priest and Jews, went to arrest Jesus (it was not the romans).

Anonymous ID: 039116 May 30, 2019, 6:56 p.m. No.6632817   🗄️.is 🔗kun



and moar…




Mark 7:3 - Jews not holding Moses’ traditions but their own

John 5:10

John 5:15-18 - Jews wanted to kill Jesus for healing the sick on sabbath

John 6:41 - murmuring jews

John 7:13 - No man can speak openly about Jesus due to fear of the Jews

John 8:48-52 - Jews accuse Jesus of being possessed by devil

John 9: 18-22 - The Jews harass the parents of a blind child who was healed by Jesus.

John 9: 28-34 - Jews hating on Jesus’ abilities as a miracle worker because he’s not a rabbifag.

John 10:31 - Jews take up stones to try and kill Jesus

John 11:8 - Disciples warn Jesus to stay away from Jews because they want him dead.

John 11:53-57 - Jews take counsel together to put Jesus to death and put a bounty out for info re his whereabouts

John 18:12 - Jewish officers (not Romans) took and bound Jesus

John 19:7 - The Jews tell Pilate Jesus must be killed according to their Jewish laws

John 19:12-16 - Pilate sought to let Jesus go but Jews cried out reeeeee and further proclaimed their laws justify killing Jesus - so Pilate releases Jesus unto the Jews so they can crucify him

Acts 9:23 Jews take counsel to kill one of Christ’s disciples

Acts 12:1-3 - Herod beheads James and since it pleased the Jews, Herod proceeded to take Peter also

Acts 13:45-50 - Jews were envious of the multitudes deciding to follow Christ - Paul tells the Jews they are unworthy of everlasting life because they have turned their back on the truth. So the Jews social engineered an artificial outrage and expelled Paul from their coasts.

Acts 14:2 - The unbelieving Jews stirred up the gentile to create divide and make their minds evil against their brethren.

Acts 14:19 -

Acts 17:5 - The envious Jews stirred up the people again to go against the church.

Acts 17:13 - The Jews found Paul preaching the Gospel elsewhere and went there and stirred up the people against him again

Acts 18:12 - The Jews brought Paul to the judgement seat

Acts 20:3 - The Jews laid wait in Macedonia to catch Paul and kill him

Acts 23:12 - Jews made a pledge that they would neither eat nor drink until they had killed Paul

Acts 24:5 - The Jews accuse Paul as being a mover of sedition to all the Jews across the world and say he is the ring leader of Christianity and ought to be killed

Acts 25:7 - The Jews from Jerusalem came and made many false accusations towards Paul - which they could not prove

Acts 26:7 Paul states to the King that he is only being accused of crimes by the Jews

Acts 26:21 Paul testifies that the Jews have been trying to kill him

Acts 28:17 Paul testifies that the Jews had arrested him and handed him to the Roman authorities

Acts 4:8-21 - The Jews forbid Peter and John to speak in the name of Jesus and forbid the people from discussing it

Acts 7:41 - Steven tells the Jews that they have taken up the tabernacle of Moloch and worship the star of Rempham (David)

Acts 7:51-59 Steven calls the jews stiff necked, blind and deaf, and btfo them for killing the prophets… so the jews shilled and when that didnt work, they stoned him to death.

Acts 11:12 - The Jews opposed Peter

Anonymous ID: 039116 May 30, 2019, 7:37 p.m. No.6633206   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Three Percenters (also styled 3%ers and III%ers) is an American militia organization whose members pledge protest and armed resistance against attempts to curtail constitutional rights.