Anonymous ID: 1317ea May 30, 2019, 7:08 p.m. No.6632942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2972 >>3172

Israel, U.S., Russia to discuss Syria in trilateral meeting in Jerusalem


The meeting will take place in June.


A trilateral Israeli, US and Russian meeting of national security advisers is scheduled to take place in Israel in June to deal with regional security issues, and is expected to focus on Iran’s involvement in Syria.


On Wednesday night, just before the Knesset decided to dissolve itself, the White House issued a statement saying that US National Security Adviser John Bolton, Israeli National Security Adviser Meir Ben-Shabbat and Russian Secretary of the Security Council Nikolay Patrushev will meet in Jerusalem in June “to discuss regional security issues.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu mentioned the planned meeting in the agitated statement he gave after the Knesset vote, saying that these are the issues the country should be dealing with, not another round of elections.


“I proposed to [US President Donald] Trump and [Russian President Vladimir] Putin to form a US-Russia-Israel trilateral committee that would meet in Jerusalem to discuss the security situation in the Middle East and both of them agreed,” Netanyahu said. “This is unprecedented. A meeting like has never taken place before in Israel. Never.”


The Russian media reported that Yevgeny Anoshin, a spokesman for Patrushev, confirmed the meeting to journalists.


Netanyahu first proposed the idea at the Kremlin in February during a meeting with Putin that dealt primarily with Iran’s presence in Syria.


“The greatest threat to stability and security in the region comes from Iran and its proxies,” Netanyahu said before that meeting. “We are determined to continue with our aggressive action against the efforts of Iran – which calls for our destruction – and against its attempt to entrench militarily in Syria.”


Netanyahu said at the time that the objective of removing Iranian troops from Syria is not Israel’s alone. He proposed setting up a team with others to promote the goal of removing all foreign forces on from Syrian soil and returning the situation regarding foreign troops to what it was before the start of the Syrian civil war. He said that a team has been established to deal with this matter in Israel’s National Security Council.


During a meeting in the White House in March, Netanyahu presented Trump with a plan to remove the Iranians from Syria, and a senior Israeli diplomatic official at the time said that he is also trying to enlist Putin’s support for that plan.


The Kremlin quickly denied that Netanyahu presented Putin with a plan.

Anonymous ID: 1317ea May 30, 2019, 7:10 p.m. No.6632973   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fake Oligarchs And Russian Interference In Austrian Politics. Who Was Really Behind “Operation Strache”?


The publication discrediting Austrian Vice Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache and Johann Gudenus, former deputy leader of the Freedom Party was published on May 17th in German outlets Suddeutsche Zeitung and der Spiegel.


The publication included a video allegedly showing his coversation with ‘Russia-linked’ persons. The reports claimed that he was offering German contracts to an alleged Russian benefactor in return for ‘Russian investitions and support’. The video also included a woman that was described by media as a niche (or daughter – depending on the version) of some Russian oligarch.


On the next day, Strache announced his resignation from the post of vice-chancellor of Austria and leader of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ).


Just hours later, in the evening, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurtz announced the disband of the coalition government between his Austrian People’s Party and the FPÖ.


On May 20th, another German outlet, published an article named “Was it Mossad?” by a former career diplomat, Rudolf Adam, who was the deputy director of the German intelligence service, known as the BND.


An article by a former German secret service official meant that the BND tried to disown the political scandal in Austria, pointing to another possible culprit – the Israeli intelligence Mossad.


Adam provided a number of arguments attempting to prove that the Israelis did it:


The preparation of the living room, terrace and kitchen in a villa in Ibiza for secret video surveillance and recording could only be carried out by competent experts from the security services. “In total, at least two cameras were hidden in the living room. Both cameras moved. The frame and focus were set by an external operator.”

The recording of the compromising material on Strache and Gudenus was carried out in July 2017 – a few months before the Austrian elections, but it wasn’t revealed until May 2019, shortly before the next European Parliament elections. That meant this was allegedly a long-planned operation.

The operation was carefully planned, prepared with the highest professionalism and then completed. The action was prepared and carried out with great financial and organizational efforts. It was carried out by task-oriented special service professionals who are well versed in operational art.

What state could be behind this? None of the European intelligence services can do something like that. And the USA? US intelligence agencies are fully engaged in Korea, Iran and China. President Donald Trump’s political sympathies are likely to be on the side of Strache and the FPÖ. Russia? No: “Both politicians were perhaps idiots from a Moscow point of view, but very useful idiots.” China or special services from the Arab world are probably not interested in Austrian domestic politics.

There remains only one state with human and technical abilities for such an operation and with unambiguous motives – this is Israel. In Israel and in Jewish communities in Europe, fear of growing anti-Semitism, painted in the colors of national socialism, is growing. Israel has an interest in the EU pursuing a policy friendly to Israel. This line has so far been controversial among EU members.

What proves that Israel would be the organizer? “They hit FPÖ and its two leaders. Both personify the course that connects deep-seated anti-Semitism with the justification of national socialist crimes. The Jewish Cultural Community of Austria and the Government of Israel refuse any contact with the FPÖ.”

The reason for the publication of compromising materials could be the upcoming elections to the European Parliament and the desire to prevent the success of right-wing national parties and the possibility of their association in the European Parliament. Initial polls predicted that the FPÖ could win 30% of the vote, now it only won 7%.

Anonymous ID: 1317ea May 30, 2019, 7:18 p.m. No.6633041   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3172

Jussie Smollett Paid Osundairo Bros For Pot, Ecstasy and Cocaine, Newly Released Chicago Police Files Show


Newly released investigative files from the Jussie Smollett hate crime hoax show that the Empire star used Venmo to pay his accomplices for pot, ecstasy, and cocaine. The documents, which were made public on Thursday, a week after a Cook County Circuit Court judge ordered their release, reveal in detail how the Osundairo brothers described the staged attack.


The documents also show that police found inconsistencies between what Smollett told them right after the alleged attack and what he later claimed during his interview on Good Morning America.


And in a brand new development, Chicago police described in one document that the Cook County State's Attorney's Office informed them on February 28, almost a month before the charges against Smollett were dropped, that they would be settle with Smollett, and have him pay $10 thousand in restitution to the city of Chicago, as well as do "community service." That is exactly how it played out.


Case File 1


Case File 2


Case File 3


According to Fox 32 Chicago, Judge Steven Watkins said in his order last week that Smollett’s actions both before and after his case was dismissed "did not appear to be those of someone seeking to maintain his privacy."


Smollett’s lawyers had argued that since the charges were dropped, the actor had “the right to be left alone.”


Watkins’ decision, which followed requests by FOX 32 and other media organizations to make the file public, said there were good arguments for keeping the file sealed but that Smollett forfeited his right to protect his privacy by talking to the media.


The actor had been charged with 16 counts alleging he lied to police when telling them that two masked men beat him in January in downtown Chicago, shouted slurs at him, doused him with a chemical substance and looped a rope around his neck. Police still insist Smollett, who is black and gay, staged the attack because he was unhappy with his salary on the Fox TV show and wanted publicity.


CWB Chicago tweeted out some key excerpts from the document dump.


The sensational case, which concluded on March 26 when prosecutors dismissed all charges, attracted a massive amount of media attention. One document describes investigators having to deal with "an extremely large media presence," with some reporters even posing as "homeless persons.

Anonymous ID: 1317ea May 30, 2019, 7:20 p.m. No.6633059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3172

Darknet Fentanyl Dealer Indicted in Nationwide Undercover Operation Targeting Darknet Vendors Who were Selling to Thousands of U.S. Residents


Undercover Operation Results in Numerous Charges and Convictions of Opioid Distributors