Anonymous ID: 575f3c May 30, 2019, 6:37 p.m. No.6632613   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Robert Steele (Binney): Seeking Assistance in Listing/Ranking Top Disclosures We Should Ask of Our President UPDATE 8


Disclosure Priorities List to Be Woven In (Now in Alpha Order):*


Crowd-sourced additions in italics.


Apophis will strike Earth 4.13.29 or 4.13.36, Pi value wrong, 3.144605511

Amendment to the Constitution Violations – 1st, 2nd, 4th

Arrests based on sealed indictments — no re-election without arrests

Background checks for all politicians, no exceptions

Catastrophic Infrastructure Failures (Dams, Electrical, Nuclear)

Censorship Against Alternative Open Source Everything

Cheating Culture — Lies as a Standard (History, Politics, Science)

CIA illegal penetration of all local, state, and national agencies

Climate hoaxes — cooling, warming, denial of Sun’s importance

Decision-Support Corruption — separate analysis from collection?

Deep State Defined – Deep State Methods of Control

Democracy Lost — How States & Public Were Gutted

Drone Assassination — Because We Can…

Election Manipulation: 2 Countries, 12 Methods

Electromagnetic / 5G Ecocide & Genocide

Extra-sensory perception/Deep State efforts to dumb down

Extra-Terrestial & Secret Patent Technology (Free Energy)

False Flag Operations — How, Why, Who Benefits?

Genetically Modified Organisms Killing Humanity

Geo-Engineering (ChemTrails, Morgellons, Artificial Moon, Saturn )

Glyphosate — true cost, hold everyone accountable

Immigration Contrived & Enabled as a Threat

Intelligence without Integrity — 4% Useful, 96% Criminal

Military Bases as Lily Pads for Smuggling Everything, Children

Mind-Control Operations Including Voice of God, Media, Psycho-Police

Moral Decline — Liberalism “Anything Goes” As a Threat

Pedophilia & Empire, Pedophilia Overview, Pedophilia Entrapment

Propaganda Operations Concealing Genocide & Other Atrocities

Religions as Forms of Control & Mis-Direction

Rendition & Torture Operations

RICO investigation & indictments against social media violators

Satanists & Satanic Ritual Abuse, Torture & Adrenochrome

Traitors Among Us – Use DNA Tests to Verify Claimed Origins?

True Cost Economics & Western Predatory Capitalism

United STATES of America — terminate “the corporation”

Unreasonable Search & Seizure from NSA to TSA

USA in State of Emergency legalizing domestic war crimes?

Vaccine Hazards

Waste — 50% of the Western Economy – Venn Diagram

Water as the New Gold, Already Stolen

Weapons of Mass Instruction — Why Schools Are Killing Humanity


  • This list will be deconflicted with the event organizer,, as other speakers will cover some topics in depth, for example, Sacha Stone on 5G, Laura Eisenhower on Satanic Ritual Abuse.


I am interested in your opinion as to what should be added to this list, and what the priority should be in terms of demanding Presidential attention — for example, our President has promised to disclose the who, how, what, and why of 9/11 and has failed to do so. Our President is not being properly supported by the US intelligence community and needs to reduce what we have by up to 70%, consolidate it all in a revitalized CIA, and create the Open Source Agency that will be the ultimate disclosure engine (telling the truth about everything).