Anonymous ID: d28ed3 May 30, 2019, 6:45 p.m. No.6632688   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I will go ahead and share my potential nonsense, here.


While people are quick to jump on what Mueller seemed to do to Barr - what is missed is what Mueller failed to do for the deep state.

Mueller is passing the buck.

From our own personal standpoints - where we measure our character based on the truth and honesty of our actions - Mueller thus appears wishy-washy and to be unwilling to take a strong stance one way or the other.


This will be par for the course as his career is dug into… But this kind of role is needed. I can almost assure you that Mueller has been there the whole time, making sure that when the questions start being asked, he can point and say "not my decision."

Knowing what you know of Uranium One - imagine how fun that is going to get.


What is interesting, however, is the line of POTUS's questions about why Mueller didn't investigate Comey. Obviously, if there was a conflict of interest - that would be a poor choice for investigation. Also, there is another point, and it is one that goes back to when we were on CBTS and people were arguing that we were making a parallel construction.

That is actually prohibited by law in many regards. You can't do parallel construction.

So - IF - there was already an investigation into Comey, Bannon, the insurance policy, etc - THEN - Mueller could not also investigate it for the purposes of filing legal charges and would simply be referring any issues or violations.

To Huber, who is investigating those things… On behalf of the Senate, if my understanding of things is correct.

Anonymous ID: d28ed3 May 30, 2019, 6:54 p.m. No.6632789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2821


My counter to that is that we have an issue with people in abusive scenarios being administered abortions in 'secret.'

I think the abortion bans are less a goal of long term policy so much as they are an obstacle to and tool to pursue tissue farms.


The abortion issue will become a thing of the past once we have a good five years of solid economic growth/performance and we have due process of law restored to things.

The overwhelming majority of women prefer to have and even raise their children. It is the fear and insecurity of finances or career destruction which lead them to choose abortion.


Most men with a home want to have a woman in the bed to wake up next to, and will bend over backward for her, usually.

The whole thing sorts itself out. Having families is normal and natural as a decision. Abortion hysteria is a symptom of the destruction of the capacity for men to be men and women to be women.