Anonymous ID: d2f6b5 May 30, 2019, 6:36 p.m. No.6632596   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6632338 (pb)

>>6632338 (pb)

>I"m so fucking sick of the media

I hear ya anon. So annoying. Hoping Potus is setting these fags up for the ultimate fall and Potus has been tracking mirrors all along. Latest mirror is fake news coverage of Mueller which is the mirror of Comey.


July 2016 - Comey lays out all of Killary's crimes with evidence in a press conference and then says no reasonable prosecutor muh can't determine intent. Fake News like 'cool sounds good'


May 2019 - Mueller says no evidence at all of collusion and muh guilty till proven innocent and potus intended to collude and obstruct. Fake News like 'Impeach'. Hopefully, they've fisaed some of these mediafags and have them on tape.


First time I thought this was the Potus Mika bleeding from her face tweet. That was the mirror of that cunt Kathy Griffin decap photo shoot. Media is like meh, she's holding the president's decapitated head in a photo. But Potus' words about Mika's face lift and the media has a cow. Giuliani on Hannity droppin a mirror as I type. Donald Trump parking ticket 20 years ago. Biden's kid 1 billion dollars if creepy joe sells out the country . Media won't cover Biden or Ukraine