Anonymous ID: fa946c May 30, 2019, 6:31 p.m. No.6632556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2566 >>2993

Shills will fail

Every person is good or bad as an individual, based on their own choices and actions.


As an anon working to support the research Q and Q+ have asked us to do… I lurk here because this is where I can make a small difference, and be better prepared to explain things to others once the shit hits the fan.


But I’m disgusted and ashamed to have to share this board with Shills (vile racists & bigots). I believe they are small in numbers and I denounce all of their division tactics.


Q and Q+

Please join all good anons in also denouncing the vicious anti-Jew, and other bigoted, language from the Shills