Anonymous ID: 6aeeb2 May 30, 2019, 7:44 p.m. No.6633275   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Multiple journalists were detained in a Swiss airport after filming Bilderberg participants arriving on the first day of the elite gathering.

Journalist Dan Dicks and his crew were attempting to interview the new arrivals before authorities held them in a detention room in the Geneva airport for 20 minutes on Thursday, according to a video published on the Press For Truth YouTube channel.

“Looks like our friend is being detained by the police,” said Dicks. “That is not good.”

After being released, several Bilderberg members had already left and Dicks’ team was told they couldn’t film inside the building, on the sidewalk or the parking lot.

“We have to stand in the middle of the road to do any filming, it’s unbelievably secretive this year,” said Dicks. “They’ve reduced us to being stuck on the road.”

“That’s Bilderberg 2019 for ya.”“