Anonymous ID: a16156 May 30, 2019, 8:58 p.m. No.6633970   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3990 >>3997 >>3998 >>4029

Howdy Night Shift, East Coast woods anon here. Just wanted to post that I really think there's something odd aka manufactured about these incredible storms we've been having. Not that weather modification is anything new, But what I've noticed this time is that my dog seems has been acting like he finds them odd, too. I mean he's not acting anxious or scared, but that he keeps wanting to go out and sniff the air. Even when it's pouring (like now), he wants me to open the front door and he just stands there sniffing the air. Then yesterday we had major downpour which turned low lying areas including my vegetable garden into a pond for awhile. He was out there sniffing the water like there was something wrong with it. He's a smart and very sensitive dog. (A vizsla.) I can tell by the sound of his bark whether there's a rabbit or a bear or a deer or a turkey or a moth in our yard. He's used to going in and out as he pleases, but I've never seen him act like this. Something's up. Watch the water? As in the rain?