Anonymous ID: 1f7baa May 30, 2019, 10:44 p.m. No.6634727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4739 >>4757

another try to make Merkel a good person.

in my eyes she is a demon


Honorary doctorate for Chancellor

Merkel distances herself sharply from Trump at Harvard speech

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) campaigned for international cooperation and mutual respect in an emotional speech at the US elite university Harvard - and sharply distinguished from US President Donald Trump.


"Changes to the good are possible if we tackle them together," said Merkel in her repeatedly interrupted by long applause and cheers addressing graduates of the prestigious university. "In solitary lengths, this will not succeed."


Even if Merkel did not mention Trump by name, her speech seemed like a statement with the policy of the US president. The Chancellor spoke in Cambridge, Mass., About 20,000 people: graduates and their relatives, students, professors and alumni.




  • Multilateralism: Everyone at Harvard knew whom she was referring to when she said, "More than ever, we need to think and act multilaterally rather than unilaterally. Global instead of national. "The self-confessed nationalist Trump, on the other hand, with his" America First "policy since his inauguration, seems to be working to challenge the postwar order and decades-old alliances.


  • Trade: "Protectionism and trade conflicts endanger free world trade and the foundations of our prosperity," Merkel said. Trump has broken numerous trade conflicts and threatens punitive tariffs on cars from the EU, which would particularly affect German manufacturers. On Thursday night (local time), he announced punitive tariffs on all imports from Mexico as of June 10, should the government there not stop the illegal migration to the US.


  • Climate change: Merkel called on Harvard to do everything possible to tackle climate change. She admitted that the federal government needed to get better as well. Trump has withdrawn the US - one of the largest polluters of greenhouse gases worldwide - from the international Paris Agreement on Climate Change. Merkel said that climate change is caused by humans. Trump doubts this (even though he no longer considers climate change a "joke", unlike in the past).


  • Think first, then act: Merkel said that difficult questions could be solved, "if we do not always follow our first impulses with all the pressure to make decisions, but stop in between for a moment, keep quiet, think, take a break". Hardly any politician is more impulsive than Trump, who lets his emotions run unfiltered on Twitter.


  • Walls: Merkel told about her past in the GDR. The Berlin Wall had limited her life at that time, but she could never take her dreams and desires, she said. The Chancellor also spoke out in favor of tearing down walls in her mind. Walls have a special significance with regard to Trump: the construction of a wall on the border with Mexico is one of his core concerns.


  • Lies and Truths: Merkel campaigned for "truth to others and to ourselves," and she said, "We do not call lies lies truths and truths do not lie." Trump denigrates critical media reporting as "fake news" His consultant Kellyanne Conway coined the term "alternative facts". Trump is notorious for his peculiar relationship to the truth: Washington Post's fact checkers have counted more than 10,000 false or misleading claims by the US president since Trump's inauguration in early 2017.




Merkel appeared modestly at Harvard, but was still celebrated like a pop star. More than 30 applause arose in the 35-minute speech, the audience rose several times to respect standing Merkel. There was a great deal of applause in those passages where Merkel voiced criticism of Trump - even without attribution to all listeners.


Restrictive but one must say: Harvard is a liberal stronghold in the US, representative of the opinion in the country is the university by no means. Trump still has a solid base - which Merkel certainly would not have received so enthusiastically.




The PhD physicist was awarded an honorary doctorate by Harvard on Thursday. Among other things, the official "Harvard Gazette" cited the refugee policy of the Chancellor - just the topic that brought home criticism like no other. "With their slogan" We can do it ", Merkel's four terms were marked by astute determination and pragmatism," the newspaper wrote in its special edition of the closing ceremony on the "Chancellor of the Free World".


Ger. Sauce:

Anonymous ID: 1f7baa May 30, 2019, 10:50 p.m. No.6634757   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4765


2nd part




While young voters in Germany turned away from the CDU massively in the European elections, many Harvard graduates worked on Thursday like regular Merkel fans. He is "thrilled" that Merkel speaks at his graduation ceremony, said the 26-year-old Ethan Hughes. "Many Americans look at them because of the lack of political leadership here." With graduate Ahmad Kareh (37) Merkel certified a "passion for democracy". Jordanian Malek Hassan, 27, who has just completed his medical studies, called the chancellor "an inspiration to the young generation".


Harvard graduate Marcella Vutto (38) from Dusseldorf said: "Ms. Merkel has an excellent international reputation." In Germany, "that is not perceived that way". Her fellow student Sonja Krein (28) from Cologne said: "I think Merkel has a very good image - especially in times of Trump." Krein added with regard to Merkel's speech: "That's cool to be here today as a German can."




Although Merkel was in the US, Trump did not meet the Chancellor - the two never got warm together. According to a German government spokesman, the US side announced in advance that the president would not be in Washington. Trump spoke on Thursday to graduates, but about 2850 kilometers away from Harvard, namely at the US Air Force Academy in the US state of Colorado. Nothing and nobody will ever stop the United States of America, he called there.




Although it is still not foreseeable when it comes to a bilateral conversation between Merkel and Trump. However, this Friday Mike Pompeo will meet the Chancellor on his first visit as US Secretary of State - just hours after Merkel's return from America. Pompeo is catching up on his short visit to Germany three weeks ago. At that time, the US Secretary of State preferred to travel to Iraq because of the Iran crisis - causing irritation in the governing coalition in Berlin.




Merkel once again made it clear at Harvard that her time as Chancellor is coming to an end - even though she emphasized shortly before her trip that she would be available until 2021. "I believe that we must always be prepared to end things, to feel the magic of the beginning and to really seize opportunities," she told the Harvard graduates. "And who knows what follows for me after life as a politician. It is completely open. Only one thing is clear: It will be something different and new again. "


Ger. Sauce: