Anonymous ID: 4f7aa6 May 30, 2019, 9:15 p.m. No.6634131   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>Be a reformed alt-righter

>Opens newspaper and sees "Why White People Need to Die" by Ari Goldstein

>Begins audibly sweating

>"No…it's happening again! I THOUGHT IT WAS OVER! I CAN'T ESCAPE!"

Anonymous ID: 4f7aa6 May 30, 2019, 9:20 p.m. No.6634167   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4208 >>4296 >>4298 >>4309 >>4336 >>4602 >>4670 >>4736 >>4772

A fun list of things to Google with your friends


• King David Hotel Bombing

• LAVON Affair

• Rachel Corrie

• 3/24/1933


• Blood Passover

• APOLLO Affair

• Sabra + Shatila

• Jonathan Jay Pollard

• Kalgeri Plan

• Yinon Plan

• 3 Billion per year Israel

• Hart-Cellar Act

• J. J Goldberg Establishment

• Hasabara

• General Order No. 11, 1863

• 108th Congress S. 2292

• David Steiner Tape

• Urban Moving Systems Mossad

• Anti-BDS

• Arie Scher

• Count Folk Bernadotte Death

• Saqaliba

• Henry Ford Protocols of the Elders

• AIPAC registered as domestic lobby

• BBC Banned Documentary

• 2017 Most Popular Boy Name UK

• Barbary Slave Trade

• Al-Andalus Slaves

• Tachbulot Mossad

• Star of Remphan

• The Balfour Declaration

• Haavara Agreement

• Amos 7:43

• Amos 5:26

• John 8:44

• Revelations 2:9 / 3:9

• Romans 2:28

• Galatians 3:28

• John 8

• Father Menachem 1974

• Alan Sabrosky 9/11

• Lawrence Franklin Scandal

• Zundel Trial

• Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments

• Somolian - US Shadow War


• Operation Ajax 1953 CIA/M16 Iran democracy

• Operation Mockingbird

• Hemophiliac HUV/HEPC Blood FDA Scandal

• Monsanto Bioweapons Agent Orange

• Operation Northwoods

• Operation Paperclip

• Iran-Contra Arms Deal

• WMDS in Iraq

• ATF Gunwalking scandal


• Gulf of Tonkin

• The 1933 Business Plot

• Bohemian Grove meetings

• Federal Reserve is non-federal entity

• CIA Drug Trafficking

• White Van full of Explosives 9/11/2001

• General Motors Killed the Electric Vehicle

• Hillary under fire in Bosnia

• Dennis Hastert

• Epstein scandal

• Jerry Sandusky

• Committee of 300

• Pentagon spent $500-Million on fake Al-Qaeda

• Agenda 21

• Silent Sound Spectrum

• Correct the Record

• The Minerva Initiative DOD

• The NDAA Propaganda Initiative

• Clinton Uranium One

• IBTimes 165 billion commercial arms dealer sale

• 9 Billion in US Arms exports to Qatar

• Joseph Justus Scaliger wrote "history"

• Plastics Leak Toxins into Food

• Fluoride in the water doesn't benefit teeth

• Countess Elizabeth Bathory

• Margaret Thatcher UK Middle-Class

• Bush's New Freedom Initiative (drugs)

• Dresden Bombings Feb 14-15, 1945

• J Edgar Hoover Denied Mafia

• Dyncorp Sex Trafficking

• KBR Halliburton Human Trafficking

• Timber Sycamore

Anonymous ID: 4f7aa6 May 30, 2019, 10:03 p.m. No.6634486   🗄️.is 🔗kun

las vegas shooting was at something called the HARVEST festival and just so happened to be right in front of the luxor hotel, a giant black pyramid that projects the brightest beam of light on earth. the first pic below used to be in the hotel. all just a coincidence of course