Anonymous ID: a84699 May 30, 2019, 9:46 p.m. No.6634382   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I know american citizens who are homeless who got tresspassing tickets( sleeping in a park/public space/or private land( like a field)

Also tickets for public intoxication, etc

Guess what happens when they don't show up for court.


Same should go for illegals who do not show up for their court appearances.

( side note)If a american citizen was arrested for being in a space they did not belong, then the same should also apply to illegal immigrants)


If when they arrest illegal for not showing up for court, if they have no other legal issues/crimes. They should then be given probabation, that stipulates they must attend all further court dates and comply with whatever the judge tells them they must do in order to keep their asylum claim valid)


If when they are arrested for warrant for missing their court date and they have other criminal charges, then they should be deported ASAP after they pay for their crimes.


Also all of them who miss court date should have arrest warrant issued, and i would have no problem if all of them were deported.

Was just suggesting probabtion and one second chance to be a little nice, kek

I'm sure not all of them are bad people (probably several really nice people who found their way here illegally)