Anonymous ID: affbc0 May 30, 2019, 10:09 p.m. No.6634522   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4529



What would Roy Cohen have done?


Mueller testifies

Neutralizing attack on Barr

But leaves the door wide open

Barr & RR close the door

51 DEMS call for impeachment


Considering what Trump learned after the election, why and what would he meet and talk with Mueller about for 4 hours?


Was a deal made?


What if Mueller played his role, running the investigation that would eventually serve to destroy the shared delusion of “Russian collusion”?


Could the one man who for two years became the secular “christ” for the DC permanent class, in the end, lead them all to slaughter?


Can you think of a strategy more psychologically devastating to use on your opponent?


This is the kind of tactic that Roy Cohen would have employed.


What if?