Anonymous ID: e8b32a May 30, 2019, 9:25 p.m. No.6634202   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4222 >>4265 >>4273 >>4276

Mueller was indeed a blockade. But who's blockade?


Think of the sheer genius of Trump setting up his own special counsel to investigate a crime he knows he didn't commit?! How did it not effectively distract him one bit meanwhile he's building the best economy the world has ever seen? He was never losing sleep at night.


Mueller was a blockade against the RHINOS and NEVER TRUMPERS who planned to backstab him. Mueller investigating placaded them into believing they don't need to do anything extreme since they honestly thought he would be out soon enough. Think Paul Ryan. Think no name.


Trump, for optics in 2020, has to lose the house. If Mueller exonerated him before the midterms he'd have a landslide and then it would be obvious that Mueller was just a political trick.


How do you catch a dangerous animal? You let them win small victories, make them feel safe, empowered, and that you're pathetic dinner that they can eat when they're good and ready.


Don't you see? This was all designed to goad the D's into trying to impeach the President over literally nothing. This was starting to fall apart because Nancy ain't as dumb as she sounds (even at 100% speed) and was walking back impeachment. Mueller comes on, says the exact same shit and now Booker, Harris and Sanders are demanding impeachment very loudly!


Stop listening to Alex Jones. Mueller is our guy.

Anonymous ID: e8b32a May 30, 2019, 9:39 p.m. No.6634323   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This anon is thinking ahead.


Now, either he'd have to lie because he is indeed dirty. Or… because the mission is still on going and in order to protect the game he'd have no choice but to lie.


Press conference tries to get him off the hook and the D's seem happy with it thinking they just got his blessing to impeach.


Think! If there's nothing in the report that's actually impeachable, then what do the D's think Mueller is holding back on that naturally the D's think they can find yet he couldn't?!


These people are very stupid.