Anonymous ID: a1e037 May 30, 2019, 11:28 p.m. No.6634956   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4966


Patriots won the super bowl this year, right?

I hate paying attention to that shit, but every year the Pats won that shit since 2000, our country goes to war. So, I'm told…


I guess say your prayers, if that's your thing, since we pretty much have zero say in what really goes on. Which is probably a good thing since all the information gets hidden from us, anyway… So, what do we know? Nothing. Which is probably why we're expendable. Speaking of that, the global population is increasing at a rapid pace, and as we all know the best way to take care of that problem is to incite global conflicts, so the people exterminate themselves, as the arms dealers get rich, and buy back the devastated lands, at a fraction of the price, and they don't even have to demolish anything, before setting up new factories to enslave what's left of the population who is simply just trying to survive…


Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

Anonymous ID: a1e037 May 31, 2019, 12:23 a.m. No.6635143   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Did he sell out?

Are you talking about the guy on the "History" channel telling you about how all the ancient ruins found all around the world are the direct result of alien intervention?


Yeah.., I'm pretty sure it's safe to say that guy sold out ;)


There's no way that humans were smart before the "colonists" "discovered" all the "primitive" people just a few hundred years back, for the multi-national "trading" companies (that means "corporations" in case you're wondering ;) "rescued" all these "savage" people from killing themselves with their own prosperity… But yeah. ALIENS. . . Am I right?

Anonymous ID: a1e037 May 31, 2019, 12:41 a.m. No.6635202   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5224


>smoking the devil's lettuce.

Please don't make me have this conversation with you, right now… I understand you probably mean well, but don't you make me go here. 'Cause I totally will. There's enough lies and propaganda on this subject, and your statement is regurgitating generations of ignorance.

Anonymous ID: a1e037 May 31, 2019, 1:32 a.m. No.6635296   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5306


You know how many prescription medications I'd be on right now? But if I took those daily to the point where my body became physically addicted to those, I wouldn't be an "addict"?


Yeah. No. You're totally making sense, right now. 'Cause I'm the one that doesn't see imaginary men in the sky who are supposed to save me from all the scary monsters, all of which totally has nothing to do with planetary worship, in ancient times to to cataclysmic events that took place in the solar system during the time of "creation". None of that could've possibly happened, because "God" totally made everything in seven days, and never mind the reference, again, to those same planetary "gods" that appears in the names of the days of the week. That's totally just a coincidence…


Just keep paying your taxes, taking you're meds, and make sure you go to church every Sunday, so you can learn about Jesus and such. Only, don't bother to really learn about Jesus, though. Just take it from the groups who killed him, then later passed that info down to the ruling elites, who used religion along with false history to trick you into selling your kids into slavery to the corporations.


Do you really want me to go on? 'Cause I could talk about the opium "epidemic" that was manufactured, just like the housing market crash, in order to rape us of more of our children and resources. All while making those same pharmaceutical companies who happened to be partially responsible for the same propaganda that made you think you were an "addict" for using a natural remedy (trust me, they did go after several other natural remedies, including a few treatments for cancer that were incredibly effective).


Or I could talk about how several people like myself were used by the system as slave labor, under the disguise of "community service", by cities, who made deals with "privatized" (that means corporations) prisons, sending millions of decent human beings to jail for petty shit, all while protecting disgusting pedophiles and child traffickers. I'm sure "God" just didn't like those innocent people, which is why they were tortured by such wealthy elites. I mean, that's why "God chose" all those elites to rule over us right? 'Cause He knew they would punish us for our wicked ways!? Obviously that's why "God" rewarded them with so many riches!!! It all makes so much sense, now! Thank you for your insight. . .


Maybe, I'll go back to being an alcoholic, so I can drink a bunch of church wine every week. That was really great for my liver and teeth and such. You know. 'Cause it would've eventually made me sick enough to where I could finally see those magnificent doctors who would then prescribe me all those medications that I was missing out by smoking the "devil's lettuce". Now, it makes perfect sense. "God" doesn't want me to be healthy, 'cause I'm supposed to be being punished right now for all my sins and what not that I should have been telling to all those creepy priests who where hiding behind religion to molest all those little kids. "God" must really want it they way, 'cause it seems to happen a lot. I'm sure those innocent children needed to be molested. I mean.., why else would "God" let they happen?


Yeah. Everything makes so much more sense, now. Thanks for clearing that up for me. I'm sure it wasn't really you who cleared that up. It was totally "God".., you know, since you prayed to "Him" to save me or whatever. Clearly, that's what just happened.


Hey, maybe now I can go clean up my act, so I can go to work for the same crooked-ass state who spent years prosecuting people like myself for petty "drug" charges year after year, drilling in that same mentality that we're "addicts", only to give full rights to manufacture thousands of pounds of that very same substance, just so long as those people pay the state $250,000 for a permit. "Cause that makes sense. I mean, why else would "God"…???

Anonymous ID: a1e037 May 31, 2019, 1:39 a.m. No.6635306   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> they


"God" wanted me to make a mistake right there, so you know that I'm human ;)

I know 'cause He just told me!!!

Also.., if you send me money I can tell you what else "God told me… I wanted to tell you for free, but "God said" I have to charge you, if you really wanna know. That's how this shit works. You think religion is a motha fuckin' game!? NO!!! It's a business.

Anonymous ID: a1e037 May 31, 2019, 2:09 a.m. No.6635356   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5366


>1. We have all been extensively mind controlled since we were kids.

for generations upon generations. I have no doubt most of the masses would end up in a mental ward after having to listen to someone like myself try to explain how bad shit really is. I know 'cause I try to tell people about some of the shit I know, and I watch their minds melt trying to process the information. But their minds just shut down because of all the shit. And I barely touch on politics. Mostly, just the various lies and misconceptions we were forced into learning at a very young age. . .


Imagine if every adult in this world really didn't know shit.., for a really long time. . . But they were too scared to admit it, so they kept feeding their children the same lies they were told, because they didn't know what else to say and they were too afraid to admit their ignorance to the child who was just asking out of curiosity.


That should give you an idea where we're at, right now. . . I don't want to get into the politics or any of the mainstream pop-culture bull-shit. All that factors in, too. It's a mess. Which is why Q keeps telling us to pray. Probably, because that's what we were all taught, so that's the only way we know how to cope with this bull shit. Because if you even talk about fixing this, it's just gonna give everyone a really big headache. So, might as well hold off on that so we don't give any more money to those same doctors and drug companies who have been steadily raping us as we blindly hand over our trust, lives and children over to them.., uh-gain. . .

Anonymous ID: a1e037 May 31, 2019, 2:39 a.m. No.6635396   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>So this would mean that REVELATIONS already happened? Possibly?

Ummm… Remember that early Qpost that listed all those central banks owned by you-know-who. Kind of makes it hard to buy and sell shit without using their fake-ass monetary system that we all willingly trade our lives away for. Along with our children's lives, too. Ya know.., 'cause it's "the way". . .


Also, if you really want to analyze things, take a good look into how a certain "Holy Land" came to be a modern country and such.


Yes. It is possible that this was all "prophesied"… But at the same time, it could be just as likely that the same source that told us this was going to happen was comped from the get, and all that shit we were told was the elites laying their plan of dominance out several centuries ago, right in front of our very eyes, all while programming us into not questioning said authorities.


And yet it could also be that the original source was pure, however they elites used it against us by "fulfilling" said "prophecies", while taking control of our world from right under our noses, after manufacturing several wars and a century of bull shit politics, which We the People had very little control over any of the outcomes.


99% of people might have ended up in the hospital thanks to the large scale riots that would've broke out as the masses learned that the people who were fucking us over for our whole lives, were ACTUALLY fucking us the fuck over. . . Like, BIG TIME!!!


But if you have a bunch of masses rioting without any direction, that can be incredibly dangerous, and YES, a good number of purely innocent people would legitimately end up in the hospital thanks to random acts of violence. Which would then lead to marshal law and the military being deployed against the very citizens whom they originally meant to protect.


Ya know.., like Q said ;) It's all chess and shit. Moves. Countermoves. You know the rest…

Anonymous ID: a1e037 May 31, 2019, 3:54 a.m. No.6635541   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5579


> I just want my incandescent light bulbs back.



>Hating on those LED bulbs too


'Cause producing incredibly bright light from a small source that uses a fraction of the energy, and has a much longer life-span totally makes sense. 'Cause the electric companies haven't raped us enough over the years, while simultaneously working to keep us ridiculously ignorant about how those types of things work. Like, to the point that they basically redacted Tesla's life from existence in our "education" process and told us that Edison was the greatest thing since Benjamin Franklin, only to be surpassed by Einstein's smart-ass. But yeah. No. Let's totally keep making those pricks a bunch of money. That's why our lives suck, right now. 'Cause the electric companies just aren't making money like they used to!!!