Anonymous ID: 00ef3d May 31, 2019, 5:31 a.m. No.6635794   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6025




Q said MLK was a conservative. Unless, of course, that was meant ironically.


>The FBI began wiretapping King’s home and Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) office in Atlanta on November 8, 1963, pursuant to Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy’s written approval. For the previous 18 months, the FBI had insistently told Kennedy that King’s closest and most influential adviser, New York attorney Stanley D. Levison, was a “secret member” of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA). Kennedy’s aides, and finally his brother—the President of the United States—warned King to cease contact with Levison, but King’s promised compliance was dissembling: he and Levison communicated indirectly through another attorney, Clarence Jones, who, like Levison, was himself already being wiretapped by the FBI. Presented with evidence of King’s duplicity, plus FBI claims that King had told Levison that he was a Marxist, a reluctant Attorney General approved the FBI’s request to place King under direct surveillance too.


>Within weeks, the FBI’s wiretap on King’s Atlanta home confirmed the Bureau’s expectations. On December 15 King “contacted a girlfriend by the name of Lizzie Bell,” and the FBI mobilised to “determine more background information regarding this girl”. Six days later, “King was in contact with a girlfriend in Los Angeles”, Dolores Evans, the wife of a black dentist. California agents were tasked to investigate Evans “in connection with counter-intelligence program”, i.e. the Bureau’s subsequently notorious COINTELPRO dirty tricks playbook. That same day King was “in contact with another girlfriend, Barbara Meredith”, a member of his Ebenezer Baptist Church congregation, and “a file was opened on Barbara Meredith in order to determine more information regarding her background and activities in connection with counter-intelligence”.


OK, so a few things, here:

  1. Either Levison was a commie or he was not.

  2. Either MLK could NOT keep it in his pants, or he could not.



Q says that MLK was a conservative:

>Why does Pelosi mention MLK 74% of the time during weekly addresses?

>MLK was a conservative.

>Learn the TRUTH.

Now, either Q is trying to point out the public display of irony in a liberal dem using a conservative as a prop in her public addresses (likely), or Q was hinting at Pelosi's invocation of King as a something anons needed to dig on to learn more about something else. Was MLK a conservative, or was he a "conservative".


This anon doesn't even see that as the real issue here, though. I think the issue is whether the FBI weaponized itself against Levison for political reasons. Did Hoover and the FBI really suspect Levison of communist ties? It's not too far fetched, really, but we also know that Hoover was suspect as fuck. I mean, it's not like Communist operatives haven't literally pulled this shit in other countries in similar ways (Trotsky, for example). Get everyone fighting each other on multiple fronts to get society to fracture, while furthering other agendas; not to mention it was usually done as a matter of "race". This coincides with Q's message, actually, and calls for anons to unite against perpetrators of division.


Regardless, in the end, we find out Levison was a major figure behind King, and likely most of the talking points and ideas/concepts behind the civil rights movement were the machinations of a Jewish Lawyer from New York, "suspected" of communist ties by the FBI. So, when Pelosi invokes MLK, she's actually invoking Levison.



In today's era, people don't seem to give a shit about it. I mean, DJT has everyone saying "I don't care if DJT slept with Stormy". He likely didn't, as I think it's a pretty well accepted theory that Stormy got paid by DJT and Cohen (for an "acting" gig) to take Avenatti for a ride. It had nothing to do with paying for her "silence" over a tryst.


So, to recap:

MLK couldn't keep it in his pants. MLK's "brain" was Levison, and Levison co-authored many of MLK's speeches, organized the SCLC, wanted to do his best to advise MLK on public positions in order to keep the SCLC coffers stuffed with funds, and the FBI suspected Levison was a commie, but apparently that all went to the wayside after MLK's assassination.


I mean, it's not like Levison defended people like Julius and Ethel Rosenberg or anything, right?


What a mess.

Anonymous ID: 00ef3d May 31, 2019, 7:03 a.m. No.6636229   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Well, the character assassination on MLK is being made the focal point, and not on the actions of the FBI, for example. Was Levison a commie for real? Seemed to be a non issue after MLK was dealt with, to be honest. By that time, they'd already taken out Malcom X, and JFK. RFK very shortly after MLK:


JFK Assassinated November 22, 1963

Malcolm X February 21, 1965

MLK Assassinated April 4, 1968

RFK Assasinated June 5, 1968