Anonymous ID: 096195 May 31, 2019, 6:53 a.m. No.6636185   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6235

Hearing rumours that Bill or Hillary is in ICU, anyone confirm? Given there's a spare Hillary, I'm assuming it's Bill.

Not if this is glorious or not.

Gives POTUS reason not to go to UK.

Might have got heads up on wrong answer to deal?

Anonymous ID: 096195 May 31, 2019, 6:58 a.m. No.6636205   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6210

Tariffs at border on EVERY product from Mexico removes institutionalised corruption in checks as all processes change.

Normal cartel routes through transit are all open for inspection.

Anonymous ID: 096195 May 31, 2019, 7 a.m. No.6636215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6238

OK. Current rumour is Clinton or Windsor death notice on hold.

Pelosi "family" organising to flee.

NZ "prepping".

Sites B and C on notice.