Anonymous ID: 0d34db May 31, 2019, 6:31 a.m. No.6636087   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6102

>>6635288 PB

Trust Wray…


I think you nailed it.


Look at the normie reaction… almost the same head fake as Sessions.


Wray declines to act on referrals from the IG…BUT forwards to the FBI… Why, because the target is not just the bad apples and Dbags at the FBI, its aimed at their support system within the press (clown tools) and the judiciary. Read carefully:


the inspector general (IG) indicated, without explanation, that “prosecution of the DAD [deputy assistant director] was declined.” Instead, the investigation’s findings will be referred to the FBI for “appropriate action”.


Normies like Sundance go ballistic… libshits look to Wray (just like Sessions) for cover.


And if my gut is right and if this is all part of the show, the curtain falls to reveal U.S. Attorney for DC, Jessie K Liu AND the den of thieves that support her.


As sick as I am waiting I trust the plan.