Anonymous ID: 31aa98 May 31, 2019, 7:12 a.m. No.6636271   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Ariel Toaff - Blood Passover



Cover:Stone medallion depicting the purported martyrdom of Simonino di Trento, Palazzo Salvatori, Trent.

Inscriptionon the medallion:“In the interior recesses of this building, where a synagogue once stood, but where a shrine has now been built, the blessed martyr Little Simon of Trent was killed with horrible tortures, in the dead of night, by the Jews, at the age of twenty-nine months, on the 10th of April 1475 of our era.”


FOREWORD BY ORIGINAL TRANSLATORSThe following translation was performed free of charge to protest an injustice: the destruction by the ADL of Ariel Toaff’s Blood Passoveron Jewish ritual murder. The author is the son of the Chief Rabbi of Rome, and a professor of Jewish Renaissance and Medieval History at Bar-Ilan University in Israel, just outside Tel Aviv.Dr. Toaff is uniquely qualified to write this book, being thoroughly familiar with the derivative literature in English, French, German and Italian, as well as the original documentary sources in Latin, Medieval Italian, Hebrew and Yiddish. This is not something he worked on in secret. On the contrary, he worked on it openly with his university students and colleagues in Israel for several years; one of his students was even going to publish a paper on the subject. The author is extremely careful about what he says, and his conclusions must be taken seriously. It reads like a detective story.If it had been published in Israel, in Hebrew, no one would have cared. There are large bodies of literature in Hebrew that Jews do not wish Gentiles to know about. But Dr. Toaff’s announcement of its publication in Italy, in Italian, raised a worldwide firestormof fury. Under unbearable pressure, the bookwas withdrawn from publication.Come in out of the darkness, and strike a blow for the light.


scary how effective the ADL has been at destroying/memory holing this book (AND OTHERS) completely. You now cannot even find a copy of it on eBay.


Anons, the FF sky event is likely growing closer and closer. Q has instructed us to archive things- the likelyhood that the internet goes out for a period of time and comes back up altered seems to indicate this would be a good time to archive everything to multiple offline locations. Don't wait around until it's too late. Every day that I go to google certain subjects I am finding it harder and harder to get controversial information. The internet and our search engines are more sterilized than ever. DONT WAIT