Anonymous ID: 37a54b May 31, 2019, 5:34 a.m. No.6635808   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5866 >>6115 >>6266 >>6323

Read the Hundreds of Pages of Smollett


The document dump Thursday, which had been set in motion with a court order last week, offers a fuller depiction of the twisting path that led from Smollett's report of a hate crime to his arrest for allegedly faking that report. Among the new details that came to light with the release is the fact that Smollett has an arrest record — a previous arrest and conviction though the document does not clarify for what, exactly.


Per the files, months before the incident in September 2018, Jussie allegedly texted Abel about “Molly,” “pills,” and “whitney,” an alleged street name for cocaine.