Anonymous ID: a30483 May 31, 2019, 7:20 a.m. No.6636314   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So I got to spend 5 days with my brother and no one else. It was the perfect setting for red-pilling. I took his current thinking and expanded it using information via Qresearch. He believes there are a number of the wealthy/powerful elites who do orchestrate their own agenda. I got him to consider the network and manipulation is broader and deeper. He believes some MSM are propaganda out to get Trump but still relies on others that are the same but not as obvious. I got him to see certain Fox news shows (i.e. Hannity) do provide factual info not covered in MSM. I got him to say that after talking to me he has a different view of the anons and their pure purpose and ability to learn the real truth. He likes most of Trump policies but hates his style. I got him to see that the stuff Trump says and tweets is far beyond the face value and not ineptness and an international embarrassment but rather a calculated part of the exposure of the deep state, part disinfo to keep the enemy off balance and not a threat to our security as people believe because in fact he has relationships with world leaders maybe via backchannels that show where he is really coming from. In fact got him to consider the reality that other newly elected leaders may be on the same page and also surrounded by deep state thus allowing them to understand Trump's words and actions. He later said he will focus more on the policies and not be bothered so much by personality.


Synchronicity was happening during the visit. I saw a Q bumper sticker. There was a license plate "ELEV8" and the most unlikely someone had painted 11:11 on a sidewalk we passed while strolling through a town sightseeing. AWESOME!!


I knew this was a divine-given opportunity to visit my brother at this time (we are long-distance and these discussions are not possible as we are usually just texting, emailing and short phone calls mostly catching up on family news. Now I can continue sharing tidbits and be viewed with credibility.


Love to all